
Sounds and Science - Music and Infections

7.30 pm
HZI Campus

An event organised by the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research and the Friends of the HZI

Infections from Mozart to Schubert - this is the theme of the new concert and lecture series organised by the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research and the Friends of the HZI. Exciting scientific findings meet the medical histories of famous composers. HZI researchers and musicians from the Vienna Philharmonic enter into a fascinating dialogue with the audience.


Staatstheater Braunschweig, Kleines Haus, Magnitorwall 18, Braunschweig


Actor and Speaker Andreas Pietschmann


SOUNDS: An extraordinary ensemble of musicians

The concert is artistically directed by Rainer Honeck, the other performers are Rémy Ballot (violin and conductor), Hans Peter Ochsenhofer (viola) and Manfred Hecking (double bass). Dr Manfred Hecking, who works as an internal specialist at the Medical University of Vienna and is a former member of the Vienna Philharmonic, emphasizes the close connection between music and science: “Famous composers of the past are often regarded as icons of classical music, but they were also people who suffered from considerable physical limitations - possibly even more so than people today. However, 'Sounds and Science - Music and Infections' is not primarily about suffering and illness,” explains Hecking. “Rather, a musical 'red carpet' is laid out for the research and the researchers, on which they can communicate their findings to the public in a general form.”

Musicians of the Vienna Philharmonic: Rainer Honeck, Rémy Ballot, Tobias Lea, Manfred Hecking

SCIENCE: Medical histories of famous composers

In addition to the musical performances, “Sounds and Science - Music and Infections” provides unique scientific insights into the medical histories of famous composers.

Scientists such as virologists Melanie Brinkmann and Thomas Pietschmann, immunologist Kathrin de la Rosa and brain researcher and memory expert Martin Korte will give fascinating short lectures on the effects of infectious diseases on the lives and works of these musical geniuses, from Mozart to Beethoven. In addition, Josef Penninger, Scientific Director of the HZI, will give a keynote speech on the “Future of Life Science Biology”.


Tickets for the event are available from the box office of the Staatstheater Braunschweig.