Arme und Hände die auf einer Tastatur liegen

A Day on Infection-associated diseases

On 21 November: Minisymposium at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research

Why do patients infected with hepatitis C virus fall ill with liver cancer? How does infection with Helicobacter pylori lead to stomach cancer? Questions like these are the focus of the minisymposium “A Day on Infection-associated Diseases”. The event on 21 November 2013 is organized by the Graduate School of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig. Talks of internationally renowned experts promise interesting insights into today’s research.

Viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites do not only cause infections. Some of the pathogens also contribute to the development of chronic diseases like cancer. During the “Day on Infection-associated Diseases“ scientists from all around the world present their latest research results. The symposium will start at 10:30. “We are pleased that distinguished experts accepted our invitation to speak at our minisymposium,” says Dr Sabine Kirchhoff, head of the HZI Graduate School. The “Day on” has proven to be a successful concept and will take place for the eighth time.

A versatile programme awaits the guests. Prof Marc Lecuit from the Institut Pasteur will explain how Listeria can cause sepsis and meningitis. Prof Jay Solnick from the University of California offers insights into his studies on how the bacterium Helicobacter pylori induces stomach ulcer. The programme will be rounded off by further speakers from Germany and the Unites States.

Free registration is possible until 18 November at The minisymposium will take place in the forum of the HZI.