Arme und Hände die auf einer Tastatur liegen

Federal Secretary of Health visits HZI

Hermann Gröhe meets with infection researchers from Braunschweig: 13 May 2015, 2pm to 4pm

On Wednesday, 13 May 2015, Federal Minister of Health Hermann Gröhe will visit the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research in Braunschweig. In the presence of Lord Mayor of the City of Braunschweig Ulrich Markurth and President of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers Prof. Jürgen Mlynek, the Minister will gain insight into the work of the Center. With short lectures, scientists will present three research projects on medically relevant issues.

Representatives of the media are cordially invited to attend. Please register ahead of time by email to presse(at) or by phone: 0531 6181-1401.