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HZI awards young infection researchers

The Jürgen Wehland Prize – endowed with 5000 Euros – is announced / application deadline 1 July

For the second time, the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig and the Friends of the HZI support young scientists with an award in memory of the former Scientific Director of the HZI, Professor Jürgen Wehland.

The Jürgen Wehland Prize includes prize money of 5,000 Euros and will be awarded on 7 September, 2012. The award ceremony will take place during the scientific symposium “NORDI”, which will be held in honour of Wehland

The call is aimed at young scientists with research focus on infection biology. Their doctorate should not date back longer than five years; parental leave will be taken into account. The applicants should currently work in a German-speaking region, preferably in Northern Germany, or have performed their work in this region.

Personal applications are possible as well as suggestions from a supervisor or superior. Please send your application in one PDF file via email.
Application requirements:
1. Short description of research (1 page)
2. CV
3. list of publications
4. brief assessment of the research by an established scientist (1 page)
5. contact addresses of the candidate and the assessing scientist
6. one to a maximum of three publications that emerged from the work
Please send the documents via email to juergen-wehland-preis(at) until 1 July, 2012.