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Laying of the foundation stone for the CSSB

Interdisciplinary Centre for Structural Systems Biology will be built in Hamburg

On the site of the Deutschen Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY in Hamburg a unique centre for infection research will be built: the Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB). The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig is one of nine institutions participating in the project.

The new research centre aims at gaining a better understanding of the attack patterns of viruses, bacteria and parasites. In the long run this will be the basis for the development of new tailor-made drugs. The vicinity to the DESY and thus to Germany’s most modern and most intense X-ray facilities is one of the reasons the founders are hopeful to reach those aims.

Today, Hamburg's Science Senator Dr Dorothee Stapelfeld, State Secretary in the Ministry of Science of Lower Saxony Andrea Hoops and the founding director of the CSSB Matthias Wilmanns as well as representatives of the partners involved laid the foundation stone for the new building of the CSSB.