Dr Robert Geffers

Dr Robert Geffers
Head of Research Group

Dr Robert Geffers

Robert Geffers majored in biology at the University of Hamburg and graduated in 1996 (MSc, "Diplom"). Even during his studies, his focus was on applied genome research. He investigated the molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in his doctoral thesis at the Technische Universität Braunschweig. Even before he completed his doctorate, he transferred to BIOBASE GmbH, a bioinformatics company in Wolfenbüttel, Germany, as a project leader to direct the development of database-supported modelling of plant gene regulation networks.

In 2002, he joined the "Mucosal Immunity" junior research group at the HZI, then GBF. In 2003, he was appointed head of the group and established micro-array analysis as a centre-wide transcriptome analysis service. Since 2011, Robert Gefferts has directed the "Genome Analysis" research group as part of the scientific service facilities at the HZI providing scientists with the opportunity to use sophisticated technologies for genome, epigenome and transcriptome analysis.

In addition, he is a founding member of the Braunschweig Integrated Centre of Systems Biology BRICS.