Prof Dr Michael Kolbe

Prof Dr Michael Kolbe
Head of Department

Michael Kolbe studied chemistry at the Universities of Paderborn and Hamburg. Thereafter he did his doctorate on the structure and function of the chloride pump Halorhodopsin at Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry and the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich supervised by Dieter Oesterhelt. Following this Michael Kolbe worked as postdoc at the Max-Delbrück Centre in Berlin i.a. on the structure of ion channels. Here he developed his interest for protein transporters, which are important key factors in bacterial infections of host cells.

With his transition to the Max-Planck-Institute for infection biology as leader of a junior research group he gained more in-depth knowledge in type III secretion systems. The research of his group for structural system biology is financially supported since 2013 by ERC.

Since the beginning of the year 2015 Michael Kolbe is professor at the University Hamburg and head of the department structural infection biology at HZI. This department will move to laboratories in the new founded Center for Structural Systems Biology on the DSEX campus in Hamburg in the beginning of 2017.

Hafizi F., Kolbe M. (2024)
Vom Zytosol zur Oberfäche: Effektoren auf der Reise durch das Bakterium
Biospektrum, 30 (2)

Srivastava S., Kolbe M. (2023)
Novel "GaEl Antigenic Patches" Identified by a "Reverse Epitomics" Approach to Design Multipatch Vaccines against NIPAH Infection, a Silent Threat to Global Human Health
ACS Omega, 8 (35)

Srivastava S., Verma S., Kamthania M., Saxena A.K., Pandey K.C., ... , Pande V., Kolbe M. (2023)
Exploring the structural basis to develop efficient multi-epitope vaccines displaying interaction with HLA and TAP and TLR3 molecules to prevent NIPAH infection, a global threat to human health
PLoS ONE, 18 (3 March)

Flacht L., Lunelli M., Kaszuba K., Chen Z.A., O' Reilly F.J., Rappsilber J., ... , Kosinski J., Kolbe M. (2023)
Integrative structural analysis of the type III secretion system needle complex from Shigella flexneri
Protein Sci.

Srivastava S., Chatziefthymiou S.D., Kolbe M. (2022)
Vaccines Targeting Numerous Coronavirus Antigens, Ensuring Broader Global Population Coverage: Multi-epitope and Multi-patch Vaccines
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2410 (7)

Wang C., Nehls C., Baabe D., Burghaus O., Hurwitz R., Gutsmann T., ... , Bröring M., Kolbe M. (2021)
Flagellin lysine methyltransferase FliB catalyzes a [4Fe-4S] mediated methyl transfer reaction
PLoS Pathog., 17 (11)

Kotov V., Lunelli M., Wald J., Kolbe M., Marlovits T.C. (2021)
Helical reconstruction of Salmonella and Shigella needle filaments attached to type 3 basal bodies
Biochem.Biophys.Rep., 27 (September)

Srivastava S., Verma S., Kamthania M., Kaur R., Badyal R.K., Saxena A.K., Shin H.J., ... , Kolbe M., Pandey K.C. (2020)
Structural Basis for Designing Multiepitope Vaccines Against COVID-19 Infection: In Silico Vaccine Design and Validation
JMIR.Bioinform.Biotech., 1 (1)

Stinn A., Furkert J., Kaufmann S.H.E., Moura-Alves P., Kolbe M. (2021)
Novel Method for Quantifying AhR-Ligand Binding Affinities Using Microscale Thermophoresis
Biosensors (Basel), 11 (3)

Srivastava S., Verma S., Kamthania M., Agarwal D., Saxena A.K., Kolbe M., Singh S., Kotnis A., Rathi B., Nayar S.A., Shin H.J., ... , Vashisht K., Pandey K.C. (2020)
Computationally validated SARS-CoV-2 CTL and HTL Multi-Patch vaccines, designed by reverse epitomics approach, show potential to cover large ethnically distributed human population worldwide

Horstmann J.A., Lunelli M., Cazzola H., Heidemann J., Kühne C., Steffen P., Szefs S., Rossi C., Lokareddy R.K., Wang C., Lemaire L., Hughes K.T., Uetrecht C., Schlüter H., Grassl G.A., Stradal T.E.B., Rossez Y., ... , Kolbe M., Erhardt M. (2020)
Methylation of Salmonella Typhimurium flagella promotes bacterial adhesion and host cell invasion
Nat.Commun., 11 (1)

Lunelli M., Kamprad A., Bürger J., Mielke T., Spahn C.M.T., Kolbe M. (2020)
Cryo-EM structure of the Shigella type III needle complex
PLoS Pathog., 16 (2)

Moura-Alves P., Puyskens A., Stinn A., Klemm M., Guhlich-Bornhof U., Dorhoi A., Furkert J., Kreuchwig A., Protze J., Lozza L., Pei G., Saikali P., Perdomo C., Mollenkopf H.J., Hurwitz R., Kirschhoefer F., Brenner-Weiss G., Weiner J. III, Oschkinat H., Kolbe M., ... , Krause G., Kaufmann S.H.E. (2019)
Host monitoring of quorum sensing during Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
Science, 366 (6472)

Wang C., Lunelli M., Zschieschang E., Bosse J.B., Thuenauer R., Kolbe M. (2019)
Role of flagellar hydrogen bonding in Salmonella motility and flagellar polymorphic transition
Mol.Microbiol., 112 (5)

Bernal I., Römermann J., Flacht L., Lunelli M., Uetrecht C., Kolbe M. (2019)
Structural analysis of ligand-bound states of the Salmonella type III secretion system ATPase InvC
Protein Sci., 28 (10)

Bernal I., Börnicke J., Heidemann J., Svergun D., Horstmann J.A., Erhardt M., Tuukkanen A., ... , Uetrecht C., Kolbe M. (2019)
Molecular Organization of Soluble Type III Secretion System Sorting Platform Complexes
J.Mol.Biol., 431 (19)

Liu H., Moura-Alves P., Pei G., Mollenkopf H.J., Hurwitz R., Wu X., Wang F., Liu S., Ma M., Fei Y., Zhu C., Koehler A.B., Oberbeck-Mueller D., Hahnke K., Klemm M., Guhlich-Bornhof U., Ge B., Tuukkanen A., Kolbe M., ... , Dorhoi A., Kaufmann S.H. (2019)
cGAS facilitates sensing of extracellular cyclic dinucleotides to activate innate immunity
EMBO Rep., 20 (4)

Horstmann J.A., Zschieschang E., Truschel T., de Diego J., Lunelli M., Rohde M., May T., Strowig T., Stradal T., ... , Kolbe M., Erhardt M. (2017)
Flagellin phase-dependent swimming on epithelial cell surfaces contributes to productive Salmonella gut colonization
Cell Microbiol., 19 (8)