Author count: 8
Gadiya Y., Genilloud O., Bilitewski U., Br+Ânstrup M., Berlin L., Attwood M., ... , Gribbon P., Zaliani A.
Predicting Antimicrobial Class Specificity of Small Molecules Using Machine Learning
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling,
Author count: 7
Hussein H.A., Ghoneim N.I., Madkour E.M., Shekhar A., El-Badri N., ... , Bilitewski U., Hassan R.Y.A.
Label-free live-cell-based electrochemical nano-biosensor for monitoring the hemolytic effect of Staphylococcus aureus a(alpha)-hemolysin
(February 2025)
Author count: 15
Kolb B., Schmid F., Weng J., Altevogt L., Pereira Rebelo R., Wank B., Baro A., Zens A., Shekhar A., Bilitewski U., Sax S., Wittlin S., Taylor D., ... , Müller R., Laschat S.
Total Synthesis of Tosyl-Samroiyotmycin A and Its Biological Profiling
Chemistry - A European Journal
Author count: 22
Haid S., Matthaei A., Winkler M., Sake S.M., Gunesch A.P., Milke V., Köhler N.M., Rückert J., Vieyres G., Kühl D., Nguyen T.-T., Göhl M., Lasswitz L., Zapatero-Belinchon F.J., Brogden G., Gerold G., Wiegmann B., Bilitewski U., Brown R.J.P., Brönstrup M., ... , Schulz T.F., Pietschmann T.
Repurposing screen identifies novel candidates for broad-spectrum coronavirus antivirals and druggable host targets
Antimicrob.Agents Chemother.
Author count: 5
Magar H.S., Abdelghany H., Abbas M.N., Bilitewski U., Hassan R.Y.A.
Fast analysis of Staphylococcus aureus in food products using disposable label-free nano-electrochemical immunosensor chips
(October 2023)
Author count: 13
Lettl C., Schindele F., Mehdipour A.R., Steiner T., Ring D., Brack-Werner R., Stecher B., Eisenreich W., Bilitewski U., Hummer G., Witschel M., ... , Fischer W., Haas R.
Selective killing of the human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori by mitochondrial respiratory complex I inhibitors
Cell Chem.Biol.
Author count: 4
Gillsch F., Mbui F., Bilitewski U., Schobert R.
Syntheses and Antibacterial Evaluation of New Penicillium Metabolites Gregatins G and Thiocarboxylics C
Author count: 4
Gillsch F., Mbui F., Bilitewski U., Schobert R.
Synthesis and Bioactivity of Thiocarboxylic A and Derivatives
J Nat.Prod.
Author count: 11
Holzwarth M., Ludwig J., Bernz A., Claasen B., Majoul A., Reuter J., Zens A., Pawletta B., Bilitewski U., ... , Weiss I.M., Laschat S.
Modulating chitin synthesis in marine algae with iminosugars obtained by SmI2 and FeCl3-mediated diastereoselective carbonyl ene reaction
Author count: 4
Wendler J., Vallejo L.F., Rinas U., Bilitewski U.
Publisher Correction to: Application of an SPR-based receptor assay for the determination of biologically active recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 (Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, (2005), 381, 5, (1056-1064), 10.1007/s00216-004-3016-0)
Author count: 12
Suerbaum S., Coombs N., Patel L., Pscheniza D., Rox K., Falk C., Gruber A.D., Kershaw O., Chhatwal P., Brönstrup M., ... , Bilitewski U., Josenhans C.
Correction for Suerbaum et al., "Identification of Antimotilins, Novel Inhibitors of Helicobacter pylori Flagellar Motility That Inhibit Stomach Colonization in a Mouse Model"
Author count: 16
Arshad H., Siokis A., Franke R., Habib A., Alfonso J.C.L., Poliakova Y., Lücke E., Michaelis K., Brönstrup M., Meyer-Hermann M., Bilitewski U., Vila J., Abel L., Illig T., ... , Schreiber J., Pessler F.
Reprogramming of Amino Acid Metabolism Differs between Community-Acquired Pneumonia and Infection-Associated Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Author count: 9
Zapol'skii V.A., Berneburg I., Bilitewski U., Dillenberger M., Becker K., Jungwirth S., Shekhar A., ... , Krueger B., Kaufmann D.E.
Chemistry of polyhalogenated nitrobutadienes, 17: Efficient synthesis of persubstituted chloroquinolinyl-1H-pyrazoles and evaluation of their antimalarial, anti-SARS-CoV-2, antibacterial, and cytotoxic activities
Beilstein J.Org.Chem.,
Author count: 12
Suerbaum S., Coombs N., Patel L., Pscheniza D., Rox K., Falk C., Gruber A.D., Kershaw O., Chhatwal P., Brönstrup M., ... , Bilitewski U., Josenhans C.
Identification of Antimotilins, Novel Inhibitors of Helicobacter pylori Flagellar Motility That Inhibit Stomach Colonization in a Mouse Model
Author count: 16
Hotop S.K., Reimering S., Shekhar A., Asgari E., Beutling U., Dahlke C., Fathi A., Khan F., Lütgehetmann M., Ballmann R., Gerstner A., Tegge W., Cicin-Sain L., Bilitewski U., ... , McHardy A.C., Brönstrup M.
Peptide microarrays coupled to machine learning reveal individual epitopes from human antibody responses with neutralizing capabilities against SARS-CoV-2
Emerg.Microbes Infect,
Author count: 4
Mühlen S., Zapol'skii V.A., Bilitewski U., Dersch P.
Identification of translocation inhibitors targeting the type III secretion system of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
Antimicrob.Agents Chemother.
Author count: 10
Treiber L., Pezolt C., Zeng H., Schrey H., Jungwirth S., Shekhar A., Stadler M., Bilitewski U., ... , Erb-Brinkmann M., Schobert R.
Dual Agents: Fungal Macrocidins and Synthetic Analogues with Herbicidal and Antibiofilm Activities
Author count: 10
Lettl C., Schindele F., Testolin G., Bär A., Rehm T., Brönstrup M., Schobert R., Bilitewski U., ... , Haas R., Fischer W.
Inhibition of Type IV Secretion Activity and Growth of Helicobacter pylori by Cisplatin and Other Platinum Complexes
Front Cell Infect.Microbiol.,
(December 2020)
Author count: 9
Icik E., Jolly A., Löffler P., Agelidis N., Bugdayci B., Altevogt L., Bilitewski U., ... , Baro A., Laschat S.
Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of a Library of AGE-Related Amino Acid Triazole Crosslinkers
Author count: 8
Seubert P., Freund M., Rudolf R., Lin Y., Altevogt L., Bilitewski U., ... , Baro A., Laschat S.
Buchwald-Hartwig versus Microwave-Assisted Amination of Chloroquinolines: En Route to the Pyoverdin Chromophore
Author count: 5
Zapol'skii V.A., Bilitewski U., Kupiec S.R., Ramming I., Kaufmann D.E.
Polyhalonitrobutadienes as Versatile Building Blocks for the Biotargeted Synthesis of Substituted N-Heterocyclic Compounds
Author count: 6
Cui S., Li M., Hassan R.Y.A., Heintz-Buschart A., Wang J., Bilitewski U.
Inhibition of Respiration of Candida albicans by Small Molecules Increases Phagocytosis Efficacy by Macrophages
Author count: 7
Westerhausen S., Nowak M., Torres-Vargas C.E., Bilitewski U., Bohn E., ... , Grin I., Wagner S.
A NanoLuc luciferase-based assay enabling the real-time analysis of protein secretion and injection by bacterial type III secretion systems
Author count: 12
Hammad S.G., El-Gazzar M.G., Abutaleb N.S., Li D., Ramming I., Shekhar A., bdel-Halim M., Elrazaz E.Z., Seleem M.N., Bilitewski U., ... , Abouzid K.A.M., El-Hossary E.M.
Synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of new halogenated 1,3-Thiazolidin-4-ones
Author count: 22
Arshad H., Alfonso J.C.L., Franke R., Michaelis K., Araujo L., Habib A., Zboromyrska Y., Lucke E., Strungaru E., Akmatov M.K., Hatzikirou H., Meyer-Hermann M., Petersmann A., Nauck M., Brönstrup M., Bilitewski U., Abel L., Sievers J., Vila J., Illig T., ... , Schreiber J., Pessler F.
Decreased plasma phospholipid concentrations and increased acid sphingomyelinase activity are accurate biomarkers for community-acquired pneumonia
Author count: 42
Brennecke P., Rasina D., Aubi O., Herzog K., Landskron J., Cautain B., Vicente F., Quintana J., Mestres J., Stechmann B., Ellinger B., Brea J., Kolanowski J.L., Pilarski R., Orzaez M., Pineda-Lucena A., Laraia L., Nami F., Zielenkiewicz P., Paruch K., Hansen E., von Kries J.P., Neuenschwander M., Specker E., Bartunek P., Simova S., Lesnikowski Z., Krauss S., Lehtio L., Bilitewski U., Brönstrup M., Tasken K., Jirgensons A., Lickert H., Clausen M.H., Andersen J.H., Vicent M.J., Genilloud O., Martinez A., Nazare M., ... , Fecke W., Gribbon P.
EU-OPENSCREEN: A Novel Collaborative Approach to Facilitate Chemical Biology
Author count: 8
Götz T., Schädel N., Petri N., Kirchhof M., Bilitewski U., Tovar G.E.M., ... , Laschat S., Southan A.
Triazole-based cross-linkers in radical polymerization processes: tuning mechanical properties of poly(acrylamide) and poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide) hydrogels
RSC Adv.,
Author count: 7
Bilitewski U., Blodgett J.A.V., Duhme-Klair A.K., Dallavalle S., Laschat S., ... , Routledge A., Schobert R.
Chemical and Biological Aspects of Nutritional Immunity-Perspectives for New Anti-Infectives that Target Iron Uptake Systems
Author count: 6
Neidhardt M.M., Schmitt K., Baro A., Schneider C., Bilitewski U., Laschat S.
Self-assembly and biological activities of ionic liquid crystals derived from aromatic amino acids
Author count: 5
Kempf K., Kempf O., Orozco M., Bilitewski U., Schobert R.
Synthesis and Structural Revision of the Fungal Tetramic Acid Metabolite Spiroscytalin
Author count: 10
Gilardi A., Bhamidimarri S.P., Brönstrup M., Bilitewski U., Marreddy R.K.R., Pos K.M., Benier L., Gribbon P., ... , Winterhalter M., Windshugel B.
Biophysical characterization of E. coli TolC interaction with the known blocker hexaamminecobalt
Author count: 10
Gündemir-Durmaz T., Schmid F., El Baz Y., Häusser A., Schneider C., Bilitewski U., Rauhut G., Garnier D., ... , Baro A., Laschat S.
Truncated borrelidin analogues: synthesis by sequential cross metathesis/olefination for the southern fragment and biological evaluation
Author count: 4
Cui S., Hassan R.Y., Heintz-Buschart A., Bilitewski U.
Regulation of Candida albicans Interaction with Macrophages through the Activation of HOG Pathway by Genistein
Author count: 3
Bruckner S., Bilitewski U., Schobert R.
Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of Four Stereoisomers of the Spider-Pathogenic Fungus Metabolite Torrubiellone D
Author count: 3
Kaba H.E.J., Pölderl A., Bilitewski U.
Short Peptides Allowing Preferential Detection of Candida albicans Hyphae
Author count: 3
Khodari M., Bilitewski U., Basry A.A.H.
Screen-Printed Electrodes for Amperometric Determination of Iodide
Author count: 4
Kempf K., Schmitt F., Bilitewski U., Schobert R.
Synthesis, stereochemical assignment, and bioactivity of the Penicillium metabolites penicillenols B<inf>1</inf> and B<inf>2</inf>
Author count: 9
Kaba Hani E.J., Maier N., Schliebe-Ohler N., Mayer Y., Müller Peter P., van den Heuvel Joop, Schuchhardt J., ... , Hanack K., Bilitewski Ursula
Identification of whole pathogenic cells by monoclonal antibodies generated against a specific peptide from an immunogenic cell wall protein
Journal of Microbiological Methods,
Author count: 2
Cui S., Bilitewski Ursula
[Effect of genistein on the TLR and MAPK transduction cascades in lipopolysaccharide -stimulated macrophages]
Xi.Bao.Yu Fen.Zi.Mian.Yi.Xue Za Zhi.,
Author count: 3
Cui S., Wienhoefer N., Bilitewski Ursula
Genistein induces morphology change and G2/M cell cycle arrest by inducing p38 MAPK activation in macrophages
International Immunopharmacology,
Author count: 6
Buschart A., Gremmer K., El-Mowafy M., van den Heuvel Joop, Müller Peter P., Bilitewski Ursula
A novel functional assay for fungal histidine kinases group III reveals the role of HAMP domains for fungicide sensitivity
Journal of Biotechnology,
Author count: 4
Kaba H.E., Nimtz Manfred, Müller Peter P., Bilitewski Ursula
Involvement of the mitogen activated protein kinase Hog1p in the response of Candida albicans to iron availability
BMC Microbiology,
Author count: 3
El-Mowafy Mohammed, Bahgat M.M., Bilitewski Ursula
Deletion of the HAMP domains from the histidine kinase CaNik1p of Candida albicans or treatment with fungicides activates the MAP kinase Hog1p in S. cerevisiae transformants
BMC Microbiology,
Author count: 2
Hassan R.Y.A., Bilitewski Ursula
Direct electrochemical determination of Candida albicans
Biosensors and Bioelectronics,
Author count: 4
Heintz-Buschart A., Eickhoff H., Hohn E., Bilitewski Ursula
Identification of inhibitors of yeast-to-hyphae transition in Candida albicans
Journal of Biotechnology,
Author count: 3
Buschart A., Burakowska A., Bilitewski Ursula
The fungicide fludioxonil antagonizes fluconazole activity in the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans
Journal of Medical Microbiology,
(Pt 12)
Author count: 2
Hassan R.Y., Bilitewski Ursula*
A viability assay for Candida albicans
Analytical biochemistry,
Author count: 4
Klippel N., Cui S., Groebe L., Bilitewski U.
Deletion of the Candida albicans histidine kinase gene CHK1 improves recognition by phagocytes through an increased exposure of cell wall beta-1,3-glucans
(Pt 11)
Author count: 5
Wesolowski J, Hassan R.Y.A., Reinhardt K., Hodde S., Bilitewski Ursula*
Antifungal compounds redirect metabolic pathways in yeasts: Metabolites as indicators of modes of action
Journal of Applied Microbiology,
Author count: 1
Bilitewski Ursula*
DNA microarrays: an introduction to the technology
Author count: 1
Bilitewski Ursula*
Determination of immunomodulatory effects: focus on functional analysis of phagocytes as representatives of the innate immune system
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,
Author count: 5
Wesolowski J., Hassan R.Y., Hodde S., Bardroff C., Bilitewski Ursula*
Sensing of oxygen in microtiter plates: a novel tool for screening drugs against pathogenic yeasts
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,
Author count: 1
Bilitewski Ursula*
Biochemische Methoden in der Wasseranalytik - Stand der Technik und Perspektiven. Teil III: Signalprofile und effektbasierte Analytik
Vom Wasser - Das Journal,
Author count: 5
Frank Ronald*, Gerth Klaus*, Kalesse Markus*, Menche Dirk*, Bilitewski Ursula*
The chemical pipeline - a research program and infrastructure for the discovery and evaluation of new anti-infectives
Author count: 2
Klippel N., Bilitewski Ursula*
Phagocytosis assay based on living Candida albicans
Analytical Letters,
Author count: 10
Behnsen J., Narang P., Hasenberg M., Gunzer F., Bilitewski Ursula*, Klippel N., Rohde Manfred*, Brock M., ... , Brakhage A.A., Gunzer Matthias*
Environmental dimensionality controls the interaction of phagocytes with the pathogenic fungi Aspergillus fumigatus
PLoS Pathogens,
Author count: 1
Bilitewski U.
Biochemische Methoden in der Wasseranalytik - Stand der Technik und Perspektiven - Teil II: Organismische Tests
Vom Wasser - Das Journal,
Author count: 1
Bilitewski U.
Biochemische Methoden in der Wasseranalytik - Stand der Technik und Perspektiven - Teil. I: Molekulare Tests
Vom Wasser - Das Journal,
Author count: 1
Bilitewski U.
Protein sensing assay formats and devices
Annals in Chimica Acta,
Author count: 5
Wendler J., Hoffmann A., Gross G., Weich H.A., Bilitewski U.
Development of an enzyme-linked receptor assay (ELIRA) for quantification of biological activity of recombinant bone morphogenic protein-2
Journal of Biotechnology,
Author count: 2
Mersal G.A.M., Bilitewski U.
Development of monolithic enzymatic reactors in glass microchips for the quantitative determination of enzyme substrates using the example of glucose determination via immobilized glucose oxidase
Author count: 2
Mersal G.A.M., Bilitewski U.
Manipulation of the electroosmotic flow in glass and PMMA microchips with respect to specific enzymatic glucose determinations
Microchimica Acta,
Author count: 4
Kadow S., Betiku E., Rinas U., Bilitewski U.
Development of a rapid, quantitative glucosyltransferase assay based on a screen-printed fructose enzyme electrode and application to optimization studies on gtfD expression in recombinant Escherichia coli
Biotechnology and Bioengineering,
Author count: 4
Wendler J., Vallejo L.F., Rinas U., Bilitewski U.
Application of an SPR-based receptor assay for the determination of biologically active recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,
Author count: 5
Michalzik M., Wendler J., Rabe J., Büttgenbach S., Bilitewski U.
Development and application of a miniaturised quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) resonator as immunosensor for bone morphogenic protein-2
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,
Author count: 3
Mersal G.A.M., Khodari M., Bilitewski U.
Optimisation of the composition of the enzyme layer with respect to an improved selectivity and stability of glucose electrodes
Biosensors & Bioelectronics,
Author count: 5
Kuhlmeier D., Rodda E., Kolarik L.O., Furlong D.N., Bilitewski U.
Application of atomic force microscopy and grating coupler for the characterization of biosensor surfaces
Biosensors & Bioelectronics,
Author count: 4
Bilitewski U., Genrich M., Mersal G., Kadow S.
Biochemical analysis in microfluidic systems
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,
Author count: 2
Tiedemann v. B., Bilitewski U.
Characterization of the vascular endothelial growth factor - receptor interaction and determination of the recombinant protein by an optical receptor sensor
Biosensors & Bioelectronics,
Author count: 2
Stiene M., Bilitewski U.
Electrochemical characterization of screen-printed carbonaceous electrodes for the determination of peroxidase activity in novel screen- printed flow-through modules
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,
Author count: 5
Schmidt A., Schumacher J.T., Reichelt J., Hecht H.J., Bilitewski U.
Mechanistic and molecular investigations on stabilization of horseradish peroxidase C
Analytical Chemistry,
Author count: 6
Ruzgas T., Lindgren A., Gorton L., Hecht H.-J., Reichelt J., Bilitewski U.
Electrochemistry of peroxidases
Author count: 5
Richter T., Shultz-Lockyear L.L., Oleschuk R.D., Bilitewski U., Harrison D.J.
Bi-enzymatic and capillary electrophoretic analysis of non- fluorescent compounds in microfluidic devices - determination of xanthine
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,
Author count: 3
Henze B., Bilitewski U., van den Heuvel J.
Biosensorsysteme zur Genexpressionsanalytik
Author count: 4
Henze B., Bebber C., van den Heuvel J., Bilitewski U.
Detection of mRNA using the BIAcore
Author count: 7
Calmano W., Bilitewski U., Flemming H.C., Hofmann T., Peiffer S., ... , Ternes T., Wilken R.D.
The German Water Chemical Society: Actual trends and fields of research in the principle committee "Basic Research"
Acta Hydrochimica Et Hydrobiologica,
Author count: 2
Akkoyun A., Bilitewski U.
Optimisation of glass surfaces for optical immunosensors
Biosensors & Bioelectronics,
Author count: 5
Schumacher J.T., Hecht H.J., Dengler U., Reichelt J., Bilitewski U.
Direct electron transfer observed for peroxidase to screen-printed graphite electrodes.
Author count: 2
Schmidt A., Bilitewski U.
Biosensors for process monitoring and quality assurance in the food industry
Author count: 1
Bilitewski U.
Proteomics - a tool for bioresponse-linked analysis
Author count: 3
Gauglitz G., Piehler J., Bilitewski U.
Affinity sensor systems (Pesticide analysis)
Author count: 2
Bilitewski U., Turner A.P.F.
Flow injection analysis
Author count: 2
Bilitewski U., Denecke M.
Biologische Messverfahren in der Entsorgungswirtschaft - Grundlagen, Beispiele und Perspektiven
Author count: 12
Bilitewski U., Brenner-Weiss G., Hansen P.D., Hock B., Meulenberg E., Muller G., Obst U., Sauerwein H., Scheller F.W., Schmid R., ... , Schnabl G., Spener F.
Bioresponse-linked instrumental analysis
Trends in Analytical Chemistry,
Author count: 2
Akkoyun A., Bilitewski U.
Detection of sulphamethazine with an optical biosensor and anti-idiotypic antibodies
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,
Author count: 6
Shumyantseva V.V., Bulko T.V., Bachmann T.T., Bilitewski U., Schmid R.D., Archakov A.I.
Electrochemical reduction of flavocytochromes 2B4 and 1A2 and their catalytic activity
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics,
Author count: 6
Wicke C., Huners M., Wray V., Nimtz M., Bilitewski U., Lang S.
Production and structure elucidation of glycoglycerolipids from a marine sponge-associated microbacterium species
Journal of Natural Products,
Author count: 5
Wissing J., Heim S., Flohé L., Bilitewski U., Frank R.
Enrichment of hydrophobic proteins via Triton X-114 phase partitioning and hydroxyapatite column chromatography for mass spectrometry
Author count: 5
Schuderer J., Akkoyun A., Brandenburg A., Bilitewski U., Wagner E.
Development of a multichannel fluorescence affinity sensor system
Analytical Chemistry,
Author count: 1
Bilitewski U.
Can affinity sensors be used to detect food contaminants?
Analytical Chemistry,