Cooperation with numerous institutes, research groups and industry shapes science at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research. With these networks and partners we guarantee best technology and knowledge transfer.

The HZI participates in various national and international networks such as clusters of excellence, EU funding programs and training networks for doctoral students. In addition, it cooperates with all centers of the Helmholtz Research Field "Health" in projects on drug development and research into SARS-CoV-2. Here you will find a selection of the networks in which we are active.
Drug and Vaccine Research
Despite growing demand, the development of anti-infectives has collapsed dramatically due to a combination of scientific and economic challenges. Therefore, together with Griffith University (Australia), Fraunhofer ITEM and MHH, HZI works in the International Consortium for Anti-Infective Research (iCAIR) on the preclinical development of anti-infectives for respiratory infectious diseases. The overall goal of iCAIR is the establishment of an international, publicly accessible platform for anti-infective research and development. iCAIR acts as an umbrella under which anti-infective drug development is jointly promoted by various international partners with complementary expertise in order to make the concepts accessible for further utilization by the pharmaceutical/biotech industry.
Within the project Vaccine for Prevention and Treatment of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection (CRUZIVAX), a consortium of eleven partners coordinated by HZI has been awarded funding through the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 work programme. The aim of this project is to develop a highly effective, low-cost and easy to administer prophylactic vaccine candidate for Chagas disease. The vaccine is to be applied as a nasal spray. Chagas disease, also known as American Trypanosomiasis, is a chronic parasitic disease caused by the flagellated protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi). It is a vector-borne disease, but the parasite can also be transmitted by congenital route, blood transfusions and organ transplantation or by ingesting contaminated food. Chagas disease is currently endemic to 21 Latin-American countries and has also become a world wide concern as a result of globalization and mass migration of chronically infected individuals.
HZI is part of the European Infrastructure of Open Screening Platforms for Chemical Biology (EU-OPENSCREEN). The consortium consisting of 19 European partners offers the most advanced technologies to identify new compounds that can be used as new drugs against common diseases. The HZI aims to find and develop new therapeutics against bacterial and viral pathogens.
In cooperation with the Chinese Shandong University, an interdisciplinary research team at the Helmholtz International Lab is working on the development of antibacterial and antiviral strategies that will ultimately lead to innovative drug candidates. Research is conducted in four therapeutic areas: “Drug resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections”, “Tuberculosis”, “Hand, foot and mouth disease caused by EV-A71” and “Bronchiolitis caused by Respiratory Syncytial Virus”. The cooperation aims to bring new active compounds to the clinical proof-of-concept stage.
Helmholtz Drug Research
The Helmholtz Drug Research Initiative is coordinated by HZI. To fully realize the translational potential of findings generated within the Helmholtz Association, drug researchers from all centres of the Helmholtz Research Field Health exchange expertise and share assets through a joint platform. Their aim is to discover and develop new drugs against various diseases and thereby respond to the growing demand for new therapeutics.
Immune System
Within Aging and Metabolic Programming (AMPro), all centres from the Helmholtz Research Field Health joined forces to explore innovative prevention and treatment approaches to age-related diseases. As the population grows older, our society will be increasingly confronted with age-related non-communicable diseases accompanied by a weakened immune system, leading to complications such as greater susceptibility to infections. AMPro aims at investigating three interrelated aspects that help determine metabolic health and aging in humans: They focus on genetic and epigenetic factors, inter-organ communication and tissue maintenance.
Immunology & Inflammation
Immunology & Inflammation unifies efforts in immunological research of the Helmholtz Association. 23 working groups from five Helmholtz Health Centres cooperate to tackle some of the most complex problems in immunology. They address key questions such as: How do the immune system and nervous system interact? How does the microenvironment of tissue influence the development of immune cells and which effects does it have on the development of cancer? How do we use this knowledge for therapies? The collaborative work includes cross-centre research projects, the exchange of scientists, the organisation of national symposia and fellowship programmes for young scientists.
The Translational Alliance in Lower Saxony (TRAIN) is an association of ten institutions of biomedical research in the Braunschweig - Hannover area, which is supported by the Ministry of Science and Culture of the State of Lower Saxony. In this collaboration, university and non-university research institutions pool their knowledge and infrastructures in order to further develop new potential agents and vaccines. The cooperation within TRAIN enables the transfer of projects through the individual stages of development from basic research to pre-clinical and clinical application.
The virtual “Institute for Biomedical Translation (IBT) Lower Saxony” sets a milestone for a faster transfer of research results from the focus areas of infection medicine, organ repair and neuroscience. The IBT is intended to bring together the strengths of the Hannover-Göttingen-Braunschweig metropolitan region in a synergistic and complementary way. The core objective of the institute, conceived by the HZI, MHH, Göttingen Medical School and Sartorius, is to transfer important research results as quickly as possible into innovative preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, including applications in the fields of medical technology and public health. In addition to cutting-edge biomedical technologies, data-intensive, systems medicine procedures are also to be applied here, which will allow more patient-specific treatment approaches in the future.
Individualized Medicine
Within the Cluster of Excellence RESIST – Resolving Infection Susceptibility - scientists aim to gain a better understanding of infection susceptibility. The focus of RESIST is on people who are at particular risk for infections, such as newborns, elderly and individuals with a dampened immune response due to therapeutic reasons. RESIST is a powerful research consortium with six research and clinical institutions across Germany. These institutions combine excellent basic research with internationally leading clinical research and access to patients. The consortium will lay the scientific basis for the development of innovative approaches to prevent, diagnose and treat severe infections in susceptible patients.
Hepatitis D is caused by co-infection with the hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis D (HDV) viruses and is the most severe form of chronic viral hepatitis. It often leads to liver failure, liver cancer and death. Many details of the disease are still not understood: Why does the immune system of up to 50% of those affected manage to control the multiplication of the hepatitis D viruses in the body? And why do some patients respond to antiviral therapy, but not others? These are only two of the questions that the D-SOLVE research consortium, in which researchers from the MHH, the CiiM and the HZI are involved together with other partners in Europe, wants to clarify. To this end, data and biosamples from more than 500 patients with HDV will be collected and analysed in order to find specific biomarkers for the immune response to infection. The results will then be used to develop a new approach for the personalised treatment of HDV.
Corona Research
The Lower Saxony COVID-19 Research Network (COFONI) bundles expertise and competences in corona research. The long-term goal is to clarify fundamental questions about SARS-CoV-2, such as the molecular basis for the development of active agents and vaccines or for the treatment of patients. The knowledge gained should contribute to new therapeutic options for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infections and the development of prevention strategies. All participants have access to a central technology platform that provides overarching methods, animal models as well as data and biobanks for joint use. The network was founded on the initiative of the Göttingen Medical School (UMG), the HZI, the Hanover Medical School (MHH) and the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo) in October 2020.
As part of the Helmholtz research campaign on the Corona pandemic, HZI scientists are involved in two of the funded research projects. In the project "Virological and immunological determinants of COVID-19 pathogenesis - lessons for preparing for future pandemics" (CoViPa), researchers from seven Helmholtz Centres are working together with universities and partners from industry. They want to elucidate the immunological and virological mechanisms by which the SARS-CoV-2 virus triggers disease processes. This knowledge should help to develop effective strategies to combat the current pandemic and to be better prepared for future outbreaks of infectious diseases.
In the joint project "Integrated Early Warning System for Local Detection, Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease Outbreaks" (LOKI), researchers are developing an early warning system for local detection, prevention and control of infectious disease outbreaks. The aim of this project is to provide a tailor-made and practical tool for the detection of infectious disease outbreaks for public health departments. With the help of the modelling of the infection occurrence, which includes local characteristics such as the number of contacts, daily routes or age structure of a region, tailor-made measures can then be used to combat an outbreak of an infectious disease.
Data Management
HZI is part of the large German research consortium HIGHmed – Heidelberg – Göttingen – Hannover – Medical Informatics. The consortium aims to develop a novel IT-infrastructure to reduce the translation time between discovered research results and their implementation into clinical care. HiGHmed focuses on three prototypical use cases oncology, cardiology and infection targeting major challenges in medical informatics. The system, called the “Smart Infection Control System” (SmICS), originally developed to track infections caused by bacteria, was adapted during the COVID-19 pandemic to detect infection chains for SARS-CoV-2.
The NFDI4Microbiota consortium is part of the National Research Data Infrastructure NFDI. This aims to systematically open up and network the valuable research data holdings for the German science system and thus make them more usable. NFDI4Microbiota, which is co-coordinated by the HZI and involves more than 50 institutions, aims to support the microbiological research community in Germany with access to data, tools for analysing data, standards for data and metadata, and a comprehensive range of training services.
Scientists of HZI, the University of Vienna and the University of Bielefeld started an initiative titled "CAMI – Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation". CAMI is a competition in which scientists test methods of computational biology on various metagenome data sets and then jointly evaluate their results. With computational analysis, everybody can join in developing new tools to decipher the diversity of microbial species.
The EU is funding the HZI-coordinated training network “European Network Linking Informatics and Genomics of Helper T Cells in Tissues” (ENLIGHT-TEN+), which aims to investigate the factors that influence the properties of tissue-resident T cells. As part of the adaptive immune system, T cells are involved in the defence against pathogens, but can also attack the body's own structures and thus trigger autoimmune diseases. The aim of the network is to provide interdisciplinary training for doctoral students at academic and non-academic institutions in ten European countries. They will be trained in the methods of cellular immunology as well as bioinformatics data analysis.
Strategic Networks
UK Research and Innovation Medical Research Council has funded an initiative to build an enduring partnership between the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR) and the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI). The CVR-HZI Collaborative Development Fund will support a range of activities that allow investigators to forge new collaborations and strengthen existing ones. Visit the website for more details on the types of collaborative activities.
Eight research projects by HZI researchers have received funding as “pump-priming” projects. They are supported for up to 6 months to generate data that can be used as a basis for larger funding applications or as contributions to overarching research projects.
Amplifying Funds in Infection Biology
HZI is a partner in EMBL‘s new funding initiative to foster interdisciplinary and collaborative research in infection biology across Europe. The Amplifying Funds in Infection Biology aims to support collaborative projects in any area of infection biology between group leaders at EMBL and collaborating institutions. Selected projects will explore vital aspects of infection biology, such as pathogen-specific protein machines, host-pathogen interactions at various scales, human genetics influencing infection susceptibility, and innovative approaches to combat antimicrobial resistance. Visit the website for more details and a list of researchers available as collaborators.
Website EMBL Funding Initiative
In a project currently supported by the EMBL Amplifying Funds, Till Strowig’s department „Microbial Immune Regulation” collaborates with researchers from EMBL Heidelberg, Institut Pasteur and MIMS. The project combines the complementary expertise of research teams in microbiome and infection research to develope personalized strategies for the gut decolonization of multidrug-resistant Enterobacteriales, which are a risk factor for infections.
National and International Partners
The researchers at the HZI cooperate with national and international partners on various key topics. To establish the HZI sites, the centre has entered into partnerships with local universities, where it conducts future-oriented research with high innovation potential as well as high clinical and social relevance.
- Hannover Medical School (MHH) - Clinical infection and immunity research, Transplantation and regenerative medicine
- Technical University Braunschweig (TU-BS) - Bioinformatics, systems biology, neurobiology, infection and drug research
- Saarland University (UdS) - Pharmaceutical research and informatics
- Würzburg University (JMU) - Infection and immunity research
- University of Greifswald, Greifswald University Medicine and Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health - Research on One Health
- German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) - Translational infection research
- Shandong University, China - Medicinal chemistry on natural compounds
- McGill University, Canada - Personalised infection medicine
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) - Human microbiome research, EMBL-HZI Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme
- Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) - Public health and epidemic preparedness
- Evotec SE - Leading company for partnered drug discovery and development
German Center for Infection Research

How can infectious diseases be prevented or contained? How can developments from the laboratory be brought to patients more quickly? More than 500 scientists and doctors from 35 universities, clinics and research institutions, including the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, are working together on these questions at the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF).
In nine research areas, the DZIF is paving the way for the development of new vaccines, diagnostics and drugs against infections: Tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV and malaria are just as much a focus of research as infections of the gastrointestinal tract, infectious diseases in immunocompromised patients, hospital germs and antibiotic resistance, emerging infectious diseases and the development of new antibiotics. The aim is so-called translation: the rapid, effective implementation of research results in clinical practice.
One of seven DZIF locations is Hannover-Braunschweig: in addition to the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, the Hannover Medical School (MHH), the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo), the Technical University of Braunschweig, the Leibniz Institute DSMZ - German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, the TWINCORE, Center for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research, and the Robert Koch Institute are also active in the DZIF.