Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Flohé,L., Brigelius-Flohé,R. (2001)
Selenoproteins of the glutathione system
Ferrer-Miralles,N., Feliu,J.X., Vandevuer,S., Muller,A., Cabrera-Crespo,J., Ortmans,I., Hoffmann,F., Cazorla,D., Rinas,U., ... , Prevost,M., Villaverde,A. (2001)
Engineering regulable Escherichia coli beta-galactosidases as biosensors for anti-HIV antibody detection in human sera
Journal of Biological Chemistry 276 (43)
Felske,A., Weller,R. (2001)
Cloning 16S rRNA genes and utilization to type bacterialcommunities
Felske,A., Pauling,B.V., von Canstein,H.F., Li,Y., Lauber,J., ... , Buer,J., Wagner-Döbler,I. (2001)
Detection of small sequence differences using competitive PCR: molecular monitoring of genetically improved, mercury-reducing bacteria
Biotechniques 30 (1)
Fagan,P.K., Reinscheid,D., Gottschalk,B., Chhatwal,G.S. (2001)
Identification and characterization of a novel secreted immunoglobulin binding protein from group A streptococcus
Infection and Immunity 69 (8)
Erben,R.G., Soegiarto,D.W., Weber,K., Zeitz,U., Lieberherr,M., Gniadecki,R., Moller,G., Quintanilla-Martinez,L., ... , Adamski,J., Balling,R. (2001)
Deletion of DNA binding domain of the vitamin D receptor abrogates genomic and nongenomic functions of vitamin D, and induces an atypical chronic myeloid leukemia-like disease in aged mice.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 16
Engel,H., Ruhl,H., Benham,C.J., Bode,J., Weiss,S. (2001)
Germ-line transcripts of the immunoglobulin lambda J-C clusters in the mouse: characterization of the initiation sites and regulatory elements
Molecular immunology 38 (4)
el-Enshasy,H., Hellmuth,K., Rinas,U. (2001)
GpdA-promoter-controlled production of glucose oxidase by recombinant Aspergillus niger using nonglucose carbon sources
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 90 (1)
Eckhart,L., Santos-Beneit,A.M., Schmitz,I., Krueger,A., Fischer,H., Bach,J., Ban,J., Kirchhoff,S., Krammer,P.H., ... , Mollinedo,F., Tschachler,E. (2001)
Alternative splicing of caspase-8 mRNA during differentiation of human leukocytes
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 289
Dreyer,M., Nugroho,B.W., Bohnenstengel,F.I., Ebel,R., Wray,V., Witte,L., Bringmann,G., Muhlbacher,J., Herold,M., Hung,P.D., ... , Kiet,L.C., Proksch,P. (2001)
New insecticidal rocaglamide derivatives and related compounds from Aglaia oligophylla
Journal of Natural Products 64 (4)