Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Pabst,O., Förster,R., Lipp,M., Engel,H., Arnold,H.-H. (2000)
NKX2.3 is required for MAdCAM-1 expression and homing of lymphocytes in spleen and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue.
Embo Journal 19
Örtel,S., Wagner-Döbler,I. (2000)
Amplification of chitin deacetylase genes.
Nokihara,K., Yasuhara,T., Nakata,Y., Wray,V., Lerner,E. (2000)
Syntheses and binding studies of maxadilan, which is isolated from salivary gland of a sand fly, and its related peptides on PACAP type I receptors.
Peptide Science 1999
Nokihara,K., Yasuhara,T., Blahunka,A., Kasama,T., Wray,V. (2000)
Systematic studies on modification of met-residues during TFA cleavage.
Peptide Science 1999
Nasim,M.T., Jaenecke,S., Belduz,A., Kollmus,H., Flohé,L., Mc Carthy,J. (2000)
Eukaryotic selenocysteine incorporation follows a nonprocessive mechanism that competes with translational termination.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 275
Müller,R.-J., Deckwer,W.D. (2000)
Biologisch abbaubare polymere/biologically degradable polymers
Ergebnisbericht / Annual Report
Müller,R. (2000)
Isreer Naturstofftage: aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Naturstoff-Forschung
transcript 6
Montemartini,M., Steinert,P., Singh,M., Flohé,L., Kalisz,H.M. (2000)
Tryperedoxin II from Crithidia fasciculata
Biofactors 11
Montemartini,M., Nogoceke,E., Gommel,D.U., Singh,M., Kalisz,H.M., ... , Steinert,P., Flohé,L. (2000)
Tryparedoxin and tryparedoxin peroxidase
Biofactors 11
Modak,J., Deckwer,W.-D., Zeng,A.-P. (2000)
System dynamic behavior of eukaryotic multienzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase complex under in vivo conditions.