Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Fernández-Sierra,M.L., Garcia-Chaves,M.A., Martins dos Santos,V.A.P., Bedmar,J.E. (2000)
Recombiant Radyrhizobium japonicum strains with improved efficiency in removal of nitrite under microaerobiosis.
Felske,A., Wolterink,A., van Lis,R., de Vos,W.M., Akkermans A.D.L. (2000)
Response of a soil bacterial community to grassland succession as monitored by 16S rRnNA levels of the predominant ribotypes.
Applied and environmental microbiology. 66
Felske,A., de Vos,V.M., Akkermans A.D.L. (2000)
Spatial distribution of 16S rRNA levels from uncultured acidobacteria in soil
Letters in applied microbiology. 31
Amiel,C., Kusnierz,J.P., Mouton,Y., Rook,G., Stanford,J., Singh,M., ... , Capron,A., Bahr,G.M. (2000)
Cytokine analysis at the single cell level and lymphoproliferative responses to mycobacterial antigens in HIV-1 patients with successful virologic response to potent antiretrovirals
Journal of Clinical Immunology 20
Edrada,R.A., Wray,V., Handayani,D., Schupp,P., Balbin-Oliveros,M., Prükosch,P. (2000)
Novel spiciferone derivatives of bioactive metabolites from some indo-pacific marine invertebrates.
de Bartolo,L., Jarosch von Schweder,G., Haverich,A., Bader,A. (2000)
A novel full-scale flat membranebioreactor utilizing porcine hepatocytes: Cell viability and tissue-specific functions.
Biotechnology progress 16
da Fonseca,D.P., Frerichs,J., Singh,M., Snippe,H., Verheul,A.F. (2000)
Induction of antibody and T-cell responses by immunization with ISCOMS containing the 38-kilodalton protein of Mycobacterium tubercolosis.
Vaccine 19
Brettar,I., Sanchez-Perez,J.M., Trémolières,M. (2000)
Auen und Polder als Stickstoffsenken: Redoxdynamik in Auenwäldern des Oberrheins.
Bramkamp,B., Heindl,V., Timmis,K.N., Strätz,M. (2000)
Nachweis von Plasmidtransferereignissen innerhalb der bakteriellen Gemeinschaft des Belebtschlamms einer Modellkläranlage.
Golyshin,P.N., Koch,A. (2000)
Bakterien verputzen Erdöl im Meer
Live Science Technologien