Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Meyer,O., Schughart,K., Kolbe,H.V.J. (2000)
Multiple expression of human inferferon-beta in mice can be achieved upon repeated administration of optimized Pctg90-Lipoplex
Gene Therapy 7 (18)
Rinas,U. (2000)
Bakterien produzieren Pharmaproteine im Hochleistungsbioreaktor
Carolo-Wilhelmina Mitteilungen 35 (3)
Posten,C., Rinas,U. (2000)
Control strategies for high-cell density cultivation of Escherichia coli.
Babu,K.R., Swaminathan,S., Marten,S., Khanna,N., Rinas,U. (2000)
Production of interferon-alpha in high cell density cultures of recombinant Escherichia coli
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 53 (6)
Franzrahe,S., Schroeder,T., Balling,R., Hiddemann,W., Spiekermann,K. (2000)
Establishment of inducible expression systems to study the role of stat-transcription factors in AML
Blood 96 (11)
Hoffmann,F., Schmidt,M., Rinas,U. (2000)
Simple technique for simultaneous on-line estimation of biomass and acetate from base consumption and conductivity measurements in high- cell density cultures of Escherichia coli
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 70 (3)
Hoffmann,F., Rinas,U. (2000)
Kinetics of heat-shock response and inclusion body formation during temperature-induced production of basic fibroblast growth factor in high-cell-density cultures of recombinant Escherichia coli
Biotechnology progress 16 (6)
Reineke,W., Pieper,D.H., Schlömann,M. (2000)
Mikrobieller Abbau von Chloraromaten
Bioforum (1-2)
Klemba,M., Jakobs,B., Wittich,R.M., Pieper,D. (2000)
Chromosomal integration of Tcb chlorocatechol degradation pathway genes as a means of expanding the growth substrate range of bacteria to include haloaromatics
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66 (8)
Perez-Pantoja,D., Guzmán,L., Manzano,M., Pieper,D.H., Gonzalez,B. (2000)
Role of tfdC(I)D(I)E(I)F(I) and tfdD(II)C(II)E(II)F(II) gene modules in catabolism of 3-chlorobenzoate by Ralstonia eutropha JMP134(pJP4)
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66 (4)