Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Hrabé de Angelis,M., Flaswinkel,H., Fuchs,H., Rathkolb,B., Soewarto,D., Marschall,S., Heffner,S., Pargent,W., Wuensch,K., Jung,M., Reis,A., Richter,T., Alessandrini,F., Jakob,T., Fuchs,E., Kolb,H., Kremmer,E., Behrend,H., Ring,J., Zimmer,A., Pfeffer,K., Schughart,K., ... , Wolf,E., Balling,R. (2000)
Genome wide large scale production of mutant mice by ENU mutagenesis
Nature Genetics 25
Tsang,T.E., Shawlot,W., Kinder,S.J., Kobayashi,A., Kwan,K.M., Schughart,K., Kania,A., Jessell,T.M., ... , Behringer,R.R., Tam,P.P.L. (2000)
Lim 1 activity is required for intermediate mesoderm differentiation in the mouse embryo
Developmental Biology 223
Streicher,J., Donat,M.A., Strauss,B., Sporle,R., Schughart,K., Müller,G.B. (2000)
Computer-based three-dimensional visualization of developmental gene expression
Nature Genetics 25
Milohanic,E., Pron,B., The European Listeria Genome Consortium, Berche,P., Gaillard,J.-L., Blöcker,H., Brandt,P., Kärst,U., ... , Nordsiek,G., Wehland,J. (2000)
Identification of new loci involved in adhesion of Listeria monocytogenes to eukaryotic cells
Microbiology <Reading> 146 (Pt. 3)
Gunzer,M., Friedl,P., Niggemann,B., Brocker,E.B., Kampgen,E., Zanker,K.S. (2000)
Migration of dendritic cells within 3-D collagen lattices is dependent on tissue origin, state of maturation, and matrix structure and is maintained by proinflammatory cytokines
Journal of Leukocyte Biology 67 (5)
Schwarz,A., Beissert,S., Grosse-Heitmeyer,K., Gunzer,M., Bluestone,J.A., ... , Grabbe,S., Schwarz,T. (2000)
Evidence for functional relevance of CTLA-4 in ultraviolet-radiation- induced tolerance
Journal of Immunology 165 (4)
Gunzer,M., Schafer,A., Borgmann,S., Grabbe,S., Zanker,K.S., Brocker,E.B., ... , Kampgen,E., Friedl,P. (2000)
Antigen presentation in extracellular matrix: interactions of T cells with dendritic cells are dynamic, short lived, and sequential
Immunity 13 (3)
Entschladen,F., Gunzer,M., Scheuffele,C.M., Niggemann,B., Zanker,K.S. (2000)
T lymphocytes and neutrophil granulocytes differ in regulatory signaling and migratory dynamics with regard to spontaneous locomotion and chemotaxis
Cellular immunology. 199 (2)
Probst-Kepper M., Stroobant V., Kridel R., Gaugler B., Landry C., Brasseur F., Cosyns J-P., Weynand B., ... , Boon T., Van den Eynde BJ. (2001)
An alternative open reading frame of the human macrophage colony-stimulating factor gene is independently translated and codes for an antigenic peptide of 14 amino acids recognized by tumour-infiltrating CD8 T lymphocytes
Journal of Experimental Medicine
Buss,K., Müller,R., Dahm,C., Gaitatzis,N., Skrypczak-Pietrszek,E., Lohmann,S., ... , Gassen,M., Leistner,E (2001)
Clustering of isochorismate synthase genes menF and entC and channeling of isochorismate in Escherichia coli
Biochimica et biophysica acta 1522