Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Barzik,M., Schubert,W.D., Carl,U., Wehland,J., Heinz,D.W. (2000)
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the EVH1 domain of Vesl-2b
Acta crystallographica.Section D: Biological crystallography. 56 (7)
Hecht,V., Langer,O., Deckwer,W.D. (2000)
Degradation of phenol and benzoic acid in a three-phase fluidized-bed reactor
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 70 (4)
Guerrero,S.A., Montemartini,M., Spallek,R., Hecht,H.J., Steinert,P., ... , Flohé,L., Singh,M. (2000)
Cloning and expression of tryparedoxin I from Crithidia fasciculata
Biofactors 11 (1-2)
Kalisz,H.M., Hofmann,B., Nogoceke,E., Gommel,D.U., Flohé,L., Hecht,H.J. (2000)
Crystallisation of tryparedoxin I from Crithidia fasciculata
Biofactors 11 (1-2)
Witt,S., Wohlfahrt,G., Schomburg,D., Hecht,H.J., Kalisz,H.M. (2000)
Conserved arginine-516 of Penicillium amagasakiense glucose oxidase is essential for the efficient binding of beta-D-glucose
Biochemical Journal 347 (Pt 2)
Steinert,P., Plank-Schumacher,K., Montemartini,M., Hecht,H.J., Flohé,L. (2000)
Permutation of the active site motif of tryparedoxin 2
Biological Chemistry 381 (3)
Hauser,H. (2000)
Perspektiven in der modernen Medizin
Koster,M., Hauser,H. (2000)
Einatz von GFP in der zellbiologischen Forschung
Bioforum 9
Carvalhal,A.V., Moreira,J.L., Cruz,H., Mueller,P., Hauser,H., Carrondo,M.J.T. (2000)
Manipulation of culture conditions for Bhk cell growth inhibition by Irf-1 activation
Cytotechnology 32 (2)
Kollmus,H., Hauser,H. (2000)
Frameshifting assay to characterize RNA-protein interactions in eukaryotic cells