Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Erck,C., Frank,R., Wehland,J. (2000)
Tubulin-tyrosine ligase, a long-lasting enigma
Neurochemical research. 25 (1)
Gerth,K., Steinmetz,H., Höfle,G., Reichenbach,H. (2000)
Studies on the biosynthesis of epothilones: the biosynthetic origin of the carbon skeleton
Journal of Antibiotics 53 (12)
Stradal,T.B., Troxler,H., Heizmann,C.W., Gimona,M. (2000)
Mapping the zinc ligands of S100A2 by site-directed mutagenesis
Journal of Biological Chemistry 275
Steinhoff,G., Stock,U., Karim,N., Mertsching,H., Timke,A., Meliss,R., Pethig,K., ... , Haverich,A., Bader,A (2000)
Tissue engineering of pulmonary heart valves on allogeneic matrix conduits in vivo restoration of valve tissue
Circulation 102
Sfondrini,L., Rodolfo,M., Singh,M., Colombo,MP., Colnaghi,MI., ... , Menard,S., Balsari,A (2000)
Cooperative effects of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ag38 gene transduction and interleukin 12 in vaccination against spontaneous tumor development in pro-neu transgenic mice
Cancer Research 60
Garbayo,I., Vigara,A.J., Conchon,V., Martins dos Santos,V.A.P., Vílchez,C. (2000)
Characterization of nitrate consumption of immobilized Chlamydomonas cells
Process Biochemistry 36
Macke,L., Littmann-Janssen,K., Bonewald,R., Rohde,M., Hannig,H., Pies,A., Woermann,B., ... , Lindenmaier,W., Dittmar,K.E.J. (2000)
Gene transfer via recombinant adenoviruses into dendritic cells derived from lymphoma and carcinoma patients
Blood 96
Hannig,H., Bonewald,R., Dittmar,K.E.J., Pies,A., Woermann,B., Lindenmaier,W. (2000)
Tricistronic recombinant adenovirus expressing clone specific immunoglobulin and enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGfP) as gene transfer vector for immunotherapy in non-hodgkin lymphoma
Blood 96
Paschen,A., Dittmar,K.E., Grenningloh,R., Rohde,M., Schadendorf,D., Domann,E., ... , Chakraborty,T., Weiss,S. (2000)
Human dendritic cells infected by Listeria monocytogenes: induction of maturation, requirements for phagolysosomal escape and antigen presentation capacity
European Journal of Immunology 30 (12)
Gambert,U., Conradt,H.S., Nimtz,M., Thiem,J. (2000)
Galactoside-assisted synthesis en route to type I and type II structures of chitooligomers
Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry 19