Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Scholz,S., Waize,M., Weidemann,F., Treskova-Schwarzbach,M., Haas,L., Harder,T., Karch,A., Lange,B., Kuhlmann,A., ... , Jäger,V., Wichmann,O. (2021)
Einfluss von Impfungen und Kontaktreduktionen auf die dritte Welle der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie und perspektivische Rückkehr zu prä-pandemischem Kontaktverhalten
Epidemiologiesches Bulletin 2021 (13)
Waize,M., Scholz,S., Wichmann,O., Harder,T., Treskova-Schwarzbach,M., Falman,A., Weidemann,F., Karch,A., Lange,B., Kuhlmann,A., ... , Jäger,V., Wieler,L.H. (2021)
Die Impfung gegen COVID-19 in Deutschland zeigt eine hohe Wirksamkeit gegen SARS-CoV-2-Infektionen, Krankheitslast und Sterbefälle
Epidemiologisches Bulletin (35)
Noering,F.K.-D., Jonas,K., Klawonn,F. (2021)
Improving discretization based pattern discovery for multivariate time series by additional preprocessing
Intelligent Data Analysis 25 (5)
Nguyen,M.T.H., Krause,G., Keller-Stanislawski,B., Glöckner,S., Mentzer,D., Ott,J.J. (2021)
Postmarketing safety monitoring after influenza vaccination using a mobile health app: Prospective longitudinal feasibility study
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 9 (5)
Melaiu,O., Macauda,A., Sainz,J., Calvetti,D., Facioni,M.S., Maccari,G., Ter Horst,R., Netea,M.G., Li,Y., Grzasco,N., Moreno,V., Jurczyszyn,A., Jerez,A., Watek,M., Varkonyi,J., Garcia-Sanz,R., Kruszewski,M., Dudzínski,M., Kadar,K., Jacobsen,S.E.H., Mazur,G., Andersen,V., Rybicka,M., Zawirska,D., Razny,M., Zaucha,J.M., Ostrovsky,O., Iskierka-Jazdzewska,E., Reis,R.M., Stepien,A., Beider,K., Nagler,A., Druzd-Sitek,A., Marques,H., Martínez-Lopez,J., Lesueur,F., vet-Loiseau,H., Vangsted,A.J., Krawczyk-Kulis,M., Butrym,A., Jamroziak,K., Dumontet,C., Vogel,U., Rymko,M., Pelosini,M., Subocz,E., Szombath,G., Sarasquete,M.E., Silvestri,R., Morani,F., Landi,S., Campa,D., ... , Canzian,F., Gemignani,F. (2021)
Common gene variants within 3'-untranslated regions as modulators of multiple myeloma risk and survival
International Journal of Cancer 148 (8)
Matzaraki,V., Le,K.T.T., Jaeger,M., Aguirre-Gamboa,R., Johnson,M.D., Sanna,S., Rosati,D., Franke,L., Zhernakova,A., Fu,J., Withoff,S., Jonkers,I., Li,Y., Joosten,L.A.B., Netea,M.G., ... , Wijmenga,C., Kumar,V. (2021)
Inflammatory Protein Profiles in Plasma of Candidaemia Patients and the Contribution of Host Genetics to Their Variability
Frontiers in Immunology 12
Li,Z., Geffers,R., Jain,G., Klawonn,F., Kökpinar,Ö., Nimtz,M., ... , Schmidt-Heck,W., Rinas,U. (2021)
Transcriptional network analysis identifies key elements governing the recombinant protein production provoked reprogramming of carbon and energy metabolism in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3)
Engineering Reports 3 (9)
Lange,B. (2021)
Assessment of the infection dynamics and the disease burden of COVID-19 in Germany
Public Health Forum 29 (1)
Jaeger,M., Sloot,Y.J.E., Horst,R.T., Chu,X., Koenen,H.J.P.M., Koeken,V.A.C.M., Moorlag,S.J.C.F., Bree,C.J., Mourits,V.P., Lemmers,H., Dijkstra,H., Medici,M., van Herwaarden,A.E., Joosten,I., Joosten,L.A.B., Li,Y., Smit,J.W.A., ... , Netea,M.G., Netea-Maier,R.T. (2021)
Thyrotrophin and thyroxine support immune homeostasis in humans
Immunology 163 (2)
Becker,K., Kuhnert,E., Cox,R.J., Surup,F. (2021)
Azaphilone Pigments from Hypoxylon rubiginosum and H. texense: Absolute Configuration, Bioactivity, and Biosynthesis
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2021 (36)