Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Koster,M., Hauser,H. (2000)
Einatz von GFP in der zellbiologischen Forschung
Bioforum 9
Carvalhal,A.V., Moreira,J.L., Cruz,H., Mueller,P., Hauser,H., Carrondo,M.J.T. (2000)
Manipulation of culture conditions for Bhk cell growth inhibition by Irf-1 activation
Cytotechnology 32 (2)
Kollmus,H., Hauser,H. (2000)
Frameshifting assay to characterize RNA-protein interactions in eukaryotic cells
Oumard,A., Hauser,H., Nourbakhsh,M. (2000)
A 152-Nt segment in Nrf 5 Utr (untranslated region) acts as highly efficient internal ribosome entry site (Ires)
Molecular Biology of the Cell 11
Niedick,I., Michael,K., Hauser,H., Nourbakhsh,M. (2000)
Constitutive silencing of Interferon-Beta and Interleukin-8 promotes is mediated by Nrf (Nf-Kappa B repressing factor), a nuclear inhibitor of Nf-Kappa B
Molecular Biology of the Cell 11
Ben-Asouli,Y., Banai,Y., Hauser,H., Kaempfer,R. (2000)
Recognition of 5'-terminal TAR structure in human immunodeficiency virus-1 mRNA by eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2
Nucleic Acids Research 28 (4)
Oumard,A., Hennecke,M., Hauser,H., Nourbakhsh,M. (2000)
Translation of NRF mRNA is mediated by highly efficient internal ribosome entry
Molecular Cell Biology 20 (8)
Geserick,C., Bonarius,H.P., Kongerslev,L., Hauser,H., Mueller,P.P. (2000)
Enhanced productivity during controlled proliferation of BHK cells in continuously perfused bioreactors
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 69 (3)
Schulz,A., Bruns,K., Henklein,P., Krause,G., Schubert,M., Gudermann,T., Wray,V., ... , Schultz,G., Schoneberg,T. (2000)
Requirement of specific intrahelical interactions for stabilizing the inactive conformation of glycoprotein hormone receptors
Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (48)
Mielke,C., Tummler,M., Schubeler,D., von Hoegen,I., Hauser,H. (2000)
Stabilized, long-term expression of heterodimeric proteins from tricistronic mRNA
Gene 254 (1-2)