Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Franzke,A., Piao,W.J., Lauber,J., Buer,J., Hertenstein,B., Ganser,A. (2000)
Identification of G-Csf stimulation as a key regulator of T- cell homeostasis at transcriptional level.
Blood 96 (11)
Böldicke,T., Struck,F., Schaper,F., Tegge,W., Sobek,H., Villbrandt,B., ... , Lankenau,P., Böcher,M. (2000)
A new peptide-affinity tag for the detection and affinity purification of recombinant proteins with a monoclonal antibody
Journal of Immunological Methods 240 (1-2)
Hattori,M., Fujiyama,A., Taylor,T.D., Watanabe,H., Yada,T., Park,H.S., Toyoda,A., Ishii,K., Totoki,Y., Choi,D.K., Groner,Y., Soeda,E., Ohki,M., Takagi,T., Sakaki,Y., Taudien,S., Blechschmidt,K., Polley,A., Menzel,U., Delabar,J., Kumpf,K., Lehmann,R., Patterson,D., Reichwald,K., Rump,A., Schillhabel,M., Schudy,A., Zimmermann,W., Rosenthal,A., Kudoh,J., Schibuya,K., Kawasaki,K., Asakawa,S., Shintani,A., Sasaki,T., Nagamine,K., Mitsuyama,S., Antonarakis,S.E., Minoshima,S., Shimizu,N., Nordsiek,G., Hornischer,K., Brant,P., Scharfe,M., Schön,O., Desario,A., Reichelt,J., Kauer,G., Blöcker,H., Ramser,J., Beck,A., Klages,S., Hennig,S., Riesselmann,L., Dagand,E., Haaf,T., Wehrmeyer,S., Borzym,K., Gardiner,K., Nizetic,D., Francis,F., Lehrach,H., ... , Reinhardt,R., Yaspo,M.L. (2000)
The DNA sequence of human chromosome 21
Nature 405 (6784)
Blöcker,H. (2000)
'Underachieving' centre has not only struck gold but made good use of it
Nature 405 (6788)
Silakowski,B., Kunze,B., Nordsiek,G., Blöcker,H., Höfle,G., Müller,R. (2000)
The myxochelin iron transport regulon of the myxobacterium Stigmatella aurantiaca Sg a15
European Journal of Biochemistry 267 (21)
Salanoubat,M., Lemcke,K., Rieger,M., Ansorge,W., Unseld,M., Fartmann,B., Valle,G., Blöcker,H., Perez-Alonso,M., Obermaier,B., Delseny,M., Boutry,M., Grivell,L.A., Mache,R., Puigdomenech,P., De Simone,V., Choisne,N., Artiguenave,F., Robert,C., Brottier,P., Wincker,P., Cattolico,L., Weissenbach,J., Saurin,W., Quetier,F., Schafer,M., Muller-Auer,S., Gabel,C., Fuchs,M., Benes,V., Wurmbach,E., Drzonek,H., Erfle,H., Jordan,N., Bangert,S., Wiedelmann,R., Kranz,H., Voss,H., Holland,R., Brandt,P., Nyakatura,G., Vezzi,A., D'Angelo,M., Pallavicini,A., Toppo,S., Simionati,B., Conrad,A., Hornischer,K., Kauer,G., Lohnert,T.H., Nordsiek,G., Reichelt,J., Scharfe,M., Schön,O., Bargues,M., Terol,J., Climent,J., Navarro,P., Collado,C., Perez-Perez,A., Ottenwalder,B., Duchemin,D., Cooke,R., Laudie,M., Berger-Llauro,C., Purnelle,B., Masuy,D., de Haan,M., Maarse,A.C., Alcaraz,J.P., Cottet,A., Casacuberta,E., Monfort,A., Argiriou,A., flores,M., Liguori,R., Vitale,D., Mannhaupt,G., Haase,D., Schoof,H., Rudd,S., Zaccaria,P., Mewes,H.W., Mayer,K.F., Kaul,S., Town,C.D., Koo,H.L., Tallon,L.J., Jenkins,J., Rooney,T., Rizzo,M., Walts,A., Utterback,T., Fujii,C.Y., Shea,T.P., Creasy,T.H., Haas,B., Maiti,R., Wu,D., Peterson,J., Van Aken,S., Pai,G., Militscher,J., Sellers,P., Gill,J.E., Feldblyum,T.V., Preuss,D., Lin,X., Nierman,W.C., Salzberg,S.L., White,O., Venter,J.C., Fraser,C.M., Kaneko,T., Nakamura,Y., Sato,S., Kato,T., Asamizu,E., Sasamoto,S., Kimura,T., Idesawa,K., Kawashima,K., Kishida,Y., Kiyokawa,C., Kohara,M., Matsumoto,M., Matsuno,A., Muraki,A., Nakayama,S., Nakazaki,N., Shinpo,S., Takeuchi,C., Wada,T., Watanabe,A., Yamada,M., ... , Yasuda,M., Tabata,S. (2000)
Sequence and analysis of chromosome 3 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana
Nature 408 (6814)
Gauglitz,G., Piehler,J., Bilitewski,U. (2000)
Affinity sensor systems (Pesticide analysis)
Balling,R. (2000)
Why we treasure the mutants
Times Higher Education Supplement
Bilitewski,U., Turner,A.P.F. (2000)
Flow injection analysis
Bilitewski,U., Denecke,M. (2000)
Biologische Messverfahren in der Entsorgungswirtschaft - Grundlagen, Beispiele und Perspektiven