Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Göhl,M., Zhang,L., El Kilani,H., Sun,X., Zhang,K., ... , Brönstrup,M., Hilgenfeld,R. (2022)
From Repurposing to Redesign: Optimization of Boceprevir to Highly Potent Inhibitors of the SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease G
Molecules 27 (13)
Schuster,E.M., Epple,M.W., Glaser,K.M., Mihlan,M., Lucht,K., Zimmermann,J.A., Bremser,A., Polyzou,A., Obier,N., Cabezas-Wallscheid,N., Trompouki,E., Ballabio,A., Vogel,J., Buescher,J.M., ... , Westermann,A.J., Rambold,A.S. (2022)
TFEB induces mitochondrial itaconate synthesis to suppress bacterial growth in macrophages
Nature Meta. 4 (7)
Tareen,S., Schupp,P.J., Iqbal,N., Wink,J. (2022)
Exploring the Antibiotic Production Potential of Heterotrophic Bacterial Communities Isolated from the Marine Sponges Crateromorpha meyeri, Pseudaxinella reticulata, Farrea similaris, and Caulophacus arcticus through Synergistic Metabolomic and Genomic Analyses
Mar.Drugs 20 (7)
Okoth,D.A., Hug,J.J., Garcia,R., Müller,R. (2022)
Three New Stigmatellin Derivatives Reveal Biosynthetic Insights of Its Side Chain Decoration
Molecules 27 (14)
French,T., Steffen,J., Glas,A., Osbelt,L., Strowig,T., Schott,B.H., ... , Schüler,T., Dunay,I.R. (2022)
Persisting Microbiota and Neuronal Imbalance Following T. gondii Infection Reliant on the Infection Route
Front.Immunol. 13
Melcher,C., Yu,J., Duong,V.H.H., Westphal,K., Helmi Siasi Farimany,N., Shaverskyi,A., Zhao,B., Strowig,T., Glage,S., Brand,K., Chan,A.C., ... , Föger,N., Lee,K.H. (2022)
B cell-mediated regulatory mechanisms control tumor-promoting intestinal inflammation
Cell Rep. 40 (2)
Arulraj,T., Binder,S.C., Meyer-Hermann,M. (2022)
Investigating the Mechanism of Germinal Center Shutdown
Front.Immunol. 13
Wittmann,L., Wachter,A.C., Schrey,H., Schobert,R. (2022)
Synthetic Approach to the Natural N-Nitrosohydroxylamino Tetramic Acid JBIR-141
Org.Lett. 24 (28)
Jacobsen,H., Cobos,Jiménez, Sitaras,I., Bar-Zeev,N., Cicin-Sain,L., ... , Higdon,M.M., Deloria-Knoll,M. (2022)
Post-vaccination T cell immunity to omicron
Front.Immunol. 13
Creutznacher,R., Maass,T., Veselkova,B., Ssebyatika,G., Krey,T., Empting,M., Tautz,N., Frank,M., Kölbel,K., ... , Uetrecht,C., Peters,T. (2022)
NMR Experiments Provide Insights into Ligand-Binding to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Receptor-Binding Domain
J.Am.Chem.Soc. 144 (29)