Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Jachs,M., Sandmann,L., Hartl,L., Tergast,T., Schwarz,M., Bauer,D.J.M., Balcar,L., Ehrenbauer,A., Hofer,B.S., Cornberg,M., Lenzen,H., Deterding,K., Trauner,M., Mandorfer,M., Wedemeyer,H., ... , Reiberger,T., Maasoumy,B. (2024)
Validation of Baveno VII criteria and other non-invasive diagnostic algorithms for clinically significant portal hypertension in hepatitis delta
Sullivan,G.J., Barquist,L., Cain,A.K. (2024)
A method to correct for local alterations in DNA copy number that bias functional genomics assays applied to antibiotic-treated bacteria
Schempp,R., Eilts,J., Schöl,M., Grijalva Yepez,M.F., Fekete,A., Wigger,D., Schumacher,F., Kleuser,B., Van Ham,M., Jänsch,L., ... , Sauer,M., Avota,E. (2024)
The Role of Neutral Sphingomyelinase-2 (NSM2) in the Control of Neutral Lipid Storage in T Cells
Int.J.Mol.Sci 25 (6)
Streit,F., Völker,M.P., Klinger-König,J., Zillich,L., Frank,J., Reinhard,I., Foo,J.C., Witt,S.H., Sirignano,L., Becher,H., Obi,N., Riedel,O., Do,S., Castell,S., Hassenstein,M.J., Karch,A., Stang,A., Schmidt,B., Schikowski,T., Stahl-Pehe,A., Brenner,H., Perna,L., Greiser,K.H., Kaaks,R., Michels,K.B., Franzke,C.W., Peters,A., Fischer,B., Konzok,J., Mikolajczyk,R., Führer,A., Keil,T., Fricke,J., Willich,S.N., Pischon,T., Völzke,H., Meinke-Franze,C., Loeffler,M., Wirkner,K., Berger,K., ... , Grabe,H.J., Rietschel,M. (2023)
The interplay of family history of depression and early trauma: associations with lifetime and current depression in the German national cohort (NAKO)
Front Epidemiol. 3
Dirr,L., Cleeves,S., Ramon Roth,I., Li,L., Fiebig,T., Ve,T., Häussler,S., Braun,A., ... , von Itzstein,M., Führing,J.I. (2024)
Tetramerization is essential for the enzymatic function of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence factor UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase
Li,Q., Jansen,H., Hansen,G., Nurjadi,D., Herrmann,J., Stadler,M., Brönstrup,M., Müller,R., He,C., Graspeuntner,S., ... , Rupp,J., Shima,K. (2024)
Inhibitory effect of sorangicin A against mutant DNA-dependent RNA polymerase in the obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis
Rosch,M.E.G., Rehner,J., Schmartz,G.P., Manier,S.K., Becker,U., Müller,R., Meyer,M.R., Keller,A., ... , Becker,S.L., Keller,V. (2024)
Time series of chicken stool metagenomics and egg metabolomics in changing production systems: preliminary insights from a proof-of-concept
One.Health Outlook 6 (1)
Jenniches,L., Michaux,C., Popella,L., Reichardt,S., Vogel,J., ... , Westermann,A.J., Barquist,L. (2024)
Improved RNA stability estimation through Bayesian modeling reveals most Salmonella transcripts have subminute half-lives
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 121 (14)
Mühlen,S., Heroven,A.K., Elxnat,B., Kahl,S., Pieper,D.H., Dersch,P. (2024)
Infection and antibiotic-associated changes in the fecal microbiota of C. rodentium f
Antimicrob.Agents Chemother.
Palm,J., Ono,M., Niedermaier,C., Hörer,J., Hoffmann,G., Holdenrieder,S., ... , Klawonn,F., Ewert,P. (2024)
Quantification of ventricular stress in univentricular hearts during early childhood using age-independent zlog-NT-proBNP