Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Kini,A., Zhao,B., Basic,M., Roy,U., Iljazovic,A., Odak,I., Ye,Z., Riederer,B., Di Stefano,G., Römermann,D., Koenecke,C., Bleich,A., ... , Strowig,T., Seidler,U. (2022)
Upregulation of antimicrobial peptide expression in slc26a3-/- mice with colonic dysbiosis and barrier defect
Gut Microbes 14 (1)
Staar,M., Henke,S., Blankenfeldt,W., Schallmey,A. (2022)
Biocatalytically Active and Stable Cross-Linked Enzyme Crystals of Halohydrin Dehalogenase HheG by Protein Engineering
Dietz,C.A., Cornberg,M. (2022)
Lonafarnib -
Loizides,M., Alvarado,P., Moreau,P.A., Assyov,B., Halasu,V., Stadler,M., Rinaldi,A., Marques,G., Zervakis,G.I., Borovicka,J., Van Vooren,N., Grebenc,T., Richard,F., Taskin,H., Gube,M., Sammut,C., Agnello,C., Baroni,T.J., Crous,P., Fryssouli,V., Gonou,Z., Guidori,U., Gulden,G., Hansen,K., Kristiansen,R., Laessoe,T., Mateos,J., Miller,A., Moreno,G., Peric,B., Polemis,E., Salom,J.C., Siquier,J.L., Snabl,M., ... , Weholt,O, Bellanger,J.M. (2022)
Has taxonomic vandalism gone too far? A case study, the rise of the pay-to-publish model and the pitfalls of Morchella systematics
Mycol.Prog. 21 (1)
Sikandar,A., Lopatniuk,M., Luzhetskyy,A., Müller,R., Koehnke,J. (2022)
Total in Vitro Biosynthesis of the Thioamitide Thioholgamide and Investigation of the Pathway
J.Am.Chem.Soc. 144 (11)
Thöming,J.G., Häußler,S. (2022)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Is More Tolerant Under Biofilm Than Under Planktonic Growth Conditions: A Multi-Isolate Survey
Front Cell Infect Microbiol 12
Dorn,F., Khailaie,S., Stoeckli,M., Binder,S.C., Mitra,T., Lange,B., Lautenbacher,S., Peichl,A., Vanella,P., Wollmershäuser,T., ... , Fuest,C., Meyer-Hermann,M. (2022)
The common interests of health protection and the economy: evidence from scenario calculations of COVID-19 containment policies
Eur.J.Health Econ.
Liao,C., Sharma,S., Svensson,S.L., Kibe,A., Weinberg,Z., Alkhnbashi,O.S., Bischler,T., Backofen,R., Caliskan,N., ... , Sharma,C.M., Beisel,C.L. (2022)
Spacer prioritization in CRISPR -
Nat.Microbiol. 7 (4)
Nyirenda,J.L.Z., Bockey,A., Wagner,D., Lange,B. (2022)
Effect of Tuberculosis (TB) and Diabetes mellitus (DM) integrated healthcare on bidirectional screening and treatment outcomes among TB patients and people living with DM in developing countries: a systematic review
Pathog.Global Health
Gömer,A., Brown,R.J.P., Pfaender,S., Deterding,K., Reuter,G., Orton,R., Seitz,S., Bock,C.T., Cavalleri,J.M.V., Pietschmann,T., Wedemeyer,H., ... , Steinmann,E., Todt,D. (2022)
Intra-host analysis of hepaciviral glycoprotein evolution reveals signatures associated with viral persistence and clearance
Virus Evol. 8 (1)