Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Caputo,A., Guzmán,C.A., Palmer,C.S., Nicoli,F. (2022)
Editorial: The Role of Systemic and Cellular Metabolism on Susceptibility to Infections and Responsiveness to Vaccination
Front Cell Infect Microbiol 12
Pekarek,L., Buck,S., Caliskan,N. (2022)
Optical Tweezers to Study RNA-Protein Interactions in Translation Regulation
J.Visualized Exp. 2022 (180)
Riegger,R.J., Caliskan,N. (2022)
Thinking Outside the Frame: Impacting Genomes Capacity by Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting
Front.Mol.Biosci. 9
Dulovic,A., Kessel,B., Harries,M., Becker,M., Ortmann,J., Griesbaum,J., Jüngling,J., Junker,D., Hernandez,P., Gornyk,D., Glöckner,S., Melhorn,V., Castell,S., Heise,J.K., Kemmling,Y., Tonn,T., Frank,K., Illig,T., Klopp,N., Warikoo,N., Rath,A., Suckel,C., Marzian,A.U., Grupe,N., Kaiser,P.D., Traenkle,B., Rothbauer,U., Kerrinnes,T., Krause,G., Lange,B., ... , Schneiderhan-Marra,N., Strengert,M. (2022)
Comparative Magnitude and Persistence of Humoral SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Responses in the Adult Population in Germany
Front.Immunol. 13
Panter,F., Popoff,A., Garcia,R., Krug,D., Müller,R. (2022)
Myxobacteria of the Cystobacterineae Suborder Are Producers of New Vitamin K2 Derived Myxoquinones
Microorg. 10 (3)
Bousis,S., Winkler,S., Haupenthal,J., Fulco,F., Diamanti,E., Hirsch,A.K.H. (2022)
An Efficient Way to Screen Inhibitors of Energy-Coupling Factor (ECF) Transporters in a Bacterial Uptake Assay
Int.J.Mol.Sci. 23 (5)
Welke,R.W., Sperber,H.S., Bergmann,R., Koikkarah,A., Menke,L., Sieben,C., Krüger,D.H., Chiantia,S., ... , Herrmann,A., Schwarzer,R. (2022)
Characterization of Hantavirus N Protein Intracellular Dynamics and Localization
Viruses 14 (3)
Lauber,C., Gerl,M.J., Klose,C., Ottosson,F., Melander,O., Simons,K. (2022)
Lipidomic risk scores are independent of polygenic risk scores and can predict incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in a large population cohort
PLoS Biol. 20 (3)
Tomasch,J., Ringel,V., Wang,H., Freese,H.M., Bartling,P., Brinkmann,H., Vollmers,J., Jarek,M., ... , Wagner-Döbler,I., Petersen,J. (2022)
Fatal affairs - conjugational transfer of a dinoflagellate-killing plasmid between marine Rhodobacterales
Microb Genom 8 (3)
Burkard,T., Proske,N., Resner,K., Collignon,L., Knegendorf,L., Friesland,M., Verhoye,L., Sayed,I.M., Brüggemann,Y., Nocke,M.K., Behrendt,P., Wedemeyer,H., Meuleman,P., ... , Todt,D., Steinmann,E. (2022)
Viral Interference of Hepatitis C and E Virus Replication in Novel Experimental Co-Infection Systems
Cells 11 (6)