Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Chen,P.H., Sung,L.K., Hegemann,J.D., Chu,J. (2022)
Disrupting transcription and folate biosynthesis leads to synergistic suppression of Escherichia coli growth
Wöhrle,F., Kerscher,B., Cicin-Sain,L., Bekeredjian-Ding,I. (2022)
DGfI Study Group Vaccines - Annual Meeting 2022
Eur.J.Immunol. 52 (3)
Bartuli,J., Lorenzi,I., Backes,S., Grimm,C., Fischer,U. (2022)
A generic protocol for the affinity-purification of native macromolecular complexes from poxvirus-infected cells
STAR.Protoc. 3 (1)
Kemkuignou,B.M., Moussa,A.Y., Decock,C., Stadler,M. (2022)
Terpenoids and Meroterpenoids from Cultures of Two Grass-Associated Species of Amylosporus (Basidiomycota)
Pekayvaz,K., Leunig,A., Kaiser,R., Joppich,M., Brambs,S., Janjic,A., Popp,O., Nixdorf,D., Fumagalli,V., Schmidt,N., Polewka,V., Anjum,A., Knottenberg,V., Eivers,L., Wange,L.E., Gold,C., Kirchner,M., Muenchhoff,M., Hellmuth,J.C., Scherer,C., Rubio-Acero,R., Eser,T., Deák,F., Puchinger,K., Kuhl,N., Linder,A., Saar,K., Tomas,L., Schulz,C., Wieser,A., Enard,W., Kroidl,I., Geldmacher,C., von Bergwelt-Baildon,M., Keppler,O.T., Munschauer,M., Iannacone,M., Zimmer,R., Mertins,P., Hubner,N., Hoelscher,M., Massberg,S., ... , Stark,K., Nicolai,L. (2022)
Protective immune trajectories in early viral containment of non-pneumonic SARS-CoV-2 infection
Nat.Commun. 13 (1)
Klink,G.V., Kalinina,O.V., Bazykin,G.A. (2022)
Phylogenetic inference of changes in amino acid propensities with single-position resolution
PLoS Comput.Biol. 18 (2)
Akbar,N., Braithwaite,A.T., Corr,E.M., Koelwyn,G.J., van Solingen,C., Cochain,C., Saliba,A.E., Corbin,A., Pezzolla,D., Moller Jorgensen,M., Baek,R., Edgar,L., De Villiers,C., Gunadasa-Rohling,M., Banerjee,A., Paget,D., Lee,C., Hogg,E., Costin,A., Dhaliwal,R., Johnson,E., Krausgruber,T., Riepsaame,J., Melling,G.E., Shanmuganathan,M., Bock,C., Carter,D.R.F., Channon,K.M., Riley,P.R., Udalova,I.A., Moore,K.J., ... , Anthony,D., Choudhury,R.P. (2022)
Rapid neutrophil mobilisation by VCAM-1+ endothelial extracellular vesicles
Deng,Z.L., Münch,P.C., Mreches,R., McHardy,A.C. (2022)
Rapid and accurate identification of ribosomal RNA sequences via deep learning
Nucleic Acids Res.
Halloy,F., Biscans,A., Bujold,K.E., Debacker,A., Hill,A.C., Lacroix,A., Luige,O., Strömberg,R., Sundstrom,L., ... , Vogel,J., Ghidini,A. (2022)
Innovative developments and emerging technologies in RNA therapeutics
RNA.Biol. 19 (1)
Wimmer,F., Mougiakos,I., Englert,F., Beisel,C.L. (2022)
Rapid cell-free characterization of multi-subunit CRISPR effectors and transposons
Mol.Cell 82 (6)