Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Tan,I.L., Coutinho de Almeida,R., Modderman,R., Stachurska,A., Dekens,J., Barisani,D., Meijer,C.R., Roca,M., Martinez-Ojinaga,E., Shamir,R., Auricchio,R., Korponay-Szabó,I.R., Castillejo,G., Szajewska,H., Koletzko,S., Zhernakova,A., Kumar,V., Li,Y., Visschedijk,M.C., Weersma,R.K., Troncone,R., Mearin,M.L., Wijmenga,C., ... , Jonkers,I., Withoff,S. (2021)
Circulating miRNAs as Potential Biomarkers for Celiac Disease Development
Front.Immunol. 12
Steffan,S.M., Shakeri,G., Hammerl,J.A., Kehrenberg,C., Peh,E., Rohde,M., Jackel,C., ... , Plotz,M., Kittler,S. (2021)
Isolation and Characterization of Group III Campylobacter jejuni
Front.Microbiol. 12
Wendisch,D., Dietrich,O., Mari,T., von Stillfried,S., Ibarra,I.L., Mittermaier,M., Mache,C., Chua,R.L., Knoll,R., Timm,S., Brumhard,S., Krammer,T., Zauber,H., Hiller,A.L., Pascual-Reguant,A., Mothes,R., Bülow,R.D., Schulze,J., Leipold,A.M., Djudjaj,S., Erhard,F., Geffers,R., Pott,F., Kazmierski,J., Radke,J., Pergantis,P., Baßler,K., Conrad,C., Aschenbrenner,A.C., Sawitzki,B., Landthaler,M., Wyler,E., Horst,D., Hippenstiel,S., Hocke,A., Heppner,F.L., Uhrig,A., Garcia,C., Machleidt,F., Herold,S., Elezkurtaj,S., Thibeault,C., Witzenrath,M., Cochain,C., Suttorp,N., Drosten,C., Goffinet,C., Kurth,F., Schultze,J.L., Radbruch,H., Ochs,M., Eils,R., Müller-Redetzky,H., Hauser,A.E., Luecken,M.D., Theis,F.J., Conrad,C., Wolff,T., Boor,P., Selbach,M., Saliba,A.E., ... , Sander,L.E., Deutsche,C.O.V.I. (2021)
SARS-CoV-2 infection triggers profibrotic macrophage responses and lung fibrosis
Cell 184 (26)
Arisetti,N., Fuchs,H.L.S., Coetzer,J., Orozco,M., Ruppelt,D., Bauer,A., Heimann,D., Kuhnert,E., Bhamidimarri,S.P., Bafna,J.A., Hinkelmann,B., Eckel,K., Sieber,S.A., Müller,P.P., Herrmann,J., Müller,R., Winterhalter,M., ... , Steinem,C., Brönstrup,M. (2021)
Total synthesis and mechanism of action of the antibiotic armeniaspirol A
Chem.Sci. 12 (48)
Umutesi,J., Klett-Tammen,C., Nsanzimana,S., Krause,G., Ott,J.J. (2021)
Cross-sectional study of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in Rwandan high-risk groups: Unexpected findings on prevalence and its determinants
BMJ Open 11 (12)
Drost,M., Diamanti,E., Fuhrmann,K., Goes,A., Shams,A., Haupenthal,J., Koch,M., ... , Hirsch,A.K.H., Fuhrmann,G. (2022)
Bacteriomimetic liposomes improve antibiotic activity of a novel energy-coupling factor transporter inhibitor
Pharmaceutics 14 (1)
Wienhold,S.M., Brack,M.C., Nouailles,G., Krishnamoorthy,G., Korf,I.H.E., Seitz,C., Wienecke,S., Dietert,K., Gurtner,C., Kershaw,O., Gruber,A.D., Ross,A., Ziehr,H., Rohde,M., Neudecker,J., Lienau,J., Suttorp,N., Hippenstiel,S., Hocke,A.C., ... , Rohde,C., Witzenrath,M. (2022)
Preclinical assessment of bacteriophage therapy against experimental acinetobacter baumannii lung infection
Viruses 14 (1)
Malik,I.T., Hegemann,J.D., Brötz-Oesterhelt,H. (2022)
Generation of lasso peptide-based ClpP binders
Int.J.Mol.Sci. 23 (1)
Langer,S., Horn,J., Gottschick,C., Klee,B., Purschke,O., Caputo,M., Dorendorf,E., Meyer-Schlinkmann,K.M., Raupach-Rosin,H., Karch,A., Rübsamen,N., Aydogdu,M., Buhles,M., Dressler,F., Eberl,W., von Koch,F.E., Frambach,T., Franz,H., Guthmann,F., Guzmán,C.A., Haase,R., Hansen,G., Heselich,V., Hübner,J., Koch,H.G., Oberhoff,C., Riese,P., Schild,R., Seeger,S., Tchirikov,M., Trittel,S., ... , Von Kaisenberg,C., Mikolajczyk,R. (2022)
Symptom Burden and Factors Associated with Acute Respiratory Infections in the First Two Years of Life - Results from the LoewenKIDS Cohort
Microorg. 10 (1)
Klawonn,F. (2022)
Editorial: Making an impact
Integr.Comput.Aided Eng. 29 (1)