Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


D'Amato,R., Taxiarchi,C., Galardini,M., Trusso,A., Minuz,R.L., Grilli,S., Somerville,A.G.T., Shittu,D., Khalil,A.S., Galizi,R., Crisanti,A., ... , Simoni,A., Müller,R. (2024)
Anti-CRISPR Anopheles mosquitoes inhibit gene drive spread under challenging behavioural conditions in large cages
Nature Communications 15 (1)
Floroiu,A., Loretz,B., Krämer,J., Lehr,C.M. (2024)
Drug solubility in biorelevant media in the context of an inhalation-based biopharmaceutics classification system (iBCS)
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 197 (April 2024)
Froese,N., Szaroszyk,M., Galuppo,P., Visker,J.R., Werlein,C., Korf-Klingebiel,M., Berliner,D., Reboll,M.R., Hamouche,R., Gegel,S., Wang,Y., Hofmann,W., Tang,M., Geffers,R., Wende,A.R., K++hnel,M.P., Jonigk,D.D., Hansmann,G., Wollert,K.C., Abel,E.D., Drakos,S.G., ... , Bauersachs,J., Riehle,C. (2024)
Hypoxia Attenuates Pressure Overload-Induced Heart Failure
Journal of the American Heart Association 13 (3)
Hamid,A., M+ñser,P., Mahmoud,A.B. (2024)
Drug Repurposing in the Chemotherapy of Infectious Diseases
Molecules 29 (3)
Herbolsheimer,F., Peters,A., Wagner,S., Willich,S.N., Krist,L., Pischon,T., Nimptsch,K., Gastell,S., Brandes,M., Brandes,B., Schikowski,T., Schmidt,B., Michels,K.B., Mikolajczyk,R., Harth,V., Obi,N., Castell,S., Heise,J.K., Lieb,W., Franzpötter,K., Karch,A., Teismann,H., Völzke,H., Meinke-Franze,C., Leitzmann,M., Stein,M.J., Brenner,H., Holleczek,B., Weber,A., Bohn,B., ... , Kluttig,A., Steindorf,K. (2024)
Changes in physical activity and sedentary behavior during the first COVID-19 pandemic- restrictions in Germany: a nationwide survey: Running head: physical activity during the COVID-19 restrictions
BMC Public Health 24 (1)
Jungbluth,S., Martin,W., Slezak,M., Depraetere,H., Guzman,C.A., Ussi,A., Morrow,D., van Heuverswyn,F., Arnouts,S., Carrondo,M.J.T., Olesen,O., Ottenhoff,T.H.M., Dockrell,H.M., Ho,M.M., Dobly,A., Christensen,D., Segales,J., Laurent,F., Lantier,F., Stockhofe-Zurwieden,N., Morelli,F., Langermans,J.A.M., Verreck,F.A.W., Le Grand,R., Sloots,A., Medaglini,D., ... , Lawrenz,M., Collin,N. (2023)
Potential business model for a European vaccine R&D infrastructure and its estimated socio-economic impact
F1000Research 12
Li,G.S., Leal-Dutra,C.A., Cuesta-Mate,A., Conlon,B.H., Peereboom,N., Beemelmanns,C., Aanen,D.K., Rosendahl,S., ... , Beer,Z.W., Poulsen,M. (2023)
Resolution of eleven reported and five novel Podaxis species based on ITS phylogeny, phylogenomics, morphology, ecology, and geographic distribution
Persoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 51
Melese,Z.T., Berhe,H.W., Woldegerima,W.A. (2024)
On the exponential stability of a stochastic model for transmission dynamics of antimicrobial-resistant infections
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Nusser,A., Swann,J.B., Krauth,B., Diekhoff,D., Calderon,L., Happe,C., ... , Grün,D., Boehm,T. (2024)
Publisher Correction: Developmental dynamics of two bipotent thymic epithelial progenitor types (Nature, (2022), 606, 7912, (165-171), 10.1038/s41586-022-04752-8)
Nature 626 (8000)
Passos,V., Henkel,L.M., Wang,J., Zapatero-Belinchon,F.J., Möller,R., Sun,G., Waltl,I., Schneider,T., Wachs,A., Ritter,B., Kropp,K.A., Zhu,S., Deleidi,M., Kalinke,U., Schulz,T.F., Höglinger,G., Gerold,G., ... , Wegner,F., Viejo-Borbolla,A. (2024)
Innate immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection contributes to neuronal damage in human iPSC-derived peripheral neurons
Journal of Medical Virology 96 (2)