Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Hamid,R., Adam,S., Lacour,A., Monjas,L., Köhnke,J., Hirsch,A.K.H. (2023)
1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae reveals conformational changes upon cofactor binding
Hahn,O., Foltz,A.G., Atkins,M., Kedir,B., Moran-Losada,P., Guldner,I.H., Munson,C., Kern,F., Palovics,R., Lu,N., Zhang,H., Kaur,A., Hull,J., Huguenard,J.R., Grönke,S., Lehallier,B., Partridge,L., ... , Keller,A., Wyss-Coray,T. (2023)
Atlas of the aging mouse brain reveals white matter as vulnerable foci
Fuchs,S., Engelmann,S. (2023)
Small proteins in bacteria - Big challenges in prediction and identification
Wennrich,J.P., Sepanian,E., Ebada,S.S., Llanos-Lopez,N.A., Ashrafi,S., Maier,W., ... , Kurtan,T., Stadler,M. (2023)
Bioactive Naphtho- a
Antibiotics.(Basel) 12 (8)
Lambert,C., Schmidt,K., Karger,M., Stadler,M., Stradal,T.E.B., Rottner,K. (2023)
Cytochalasans and Their Impact on Actin Filament Remodeling
Biomolecules. 13 (8)
Jian,L., Zscherp,R., Beutling,U., Shen,X., Xu,S., Zhang,X., Brönstrup,M., ... , Klahn,P., Sun,Q. (2023)
Discovery of Aminoratjadone Derivatives as Potent Noncovalent CRM1 Inhibitors
Djakovic,L., Hennig,T., Reinisch,K., Mili-ç,A., Whisnant,A.W., Wolf,K., Haas,T., Grothey,A., J++rges,C.S., Kluge,M., Wolf,E., ... , Erhard,F., Friedel,C.C. (2023)
The HSV-1 ICP22 protein selectively impairs histone repositioning upon Pol II transcription downstream of genes
Nat.Commun. 14 (1)
Bali,A., Kamal,M.A.M., Mulla,G., Loretz,B., Lehr,C.M. (2023)
Functional Materials to Overcome Bacterial Barriers and Models to Advance Their Development
Stanelle-Bertram,S., Beck,S., Mounogou,N.K., Schaumburg,B., Stoll,F., Al Jawazneh,A., Schmal,Z., Bai,T., Zickler,M., Beythien,G., Becker,K., de la Roi,M., Heinrich,F., Schulz,C., Sauter,M., Krasemann,S., Lange,P., Heinemann,A., Van Riel,D., Leijten,L., Bauer,L., van den Bosch,T.P.P., Lopuhaäa,B., Busche,T., Wibberg,D., Schaudien,D., Goldmann,T., Lüttjohann,A., Ruschinski,J., Jania,H., Müller,Z., Pinho dos Reis,V., Krupp-Buzimkic,V., Wolff,M., Fallerini,C., Baldassarri,M., Furini,S., Norwood,K., Käufer,C., Schützenmeister,N., Von Köckritz-Blickwede,M., Schroeder,M., Jarczak,D., Nierhaus,A., Welte,T., Kluge,S., McHardy,A.C., Sommer,F., Kalinowski,J., Krauss-Etschmann,S., Richter,F., von der Thüsen,J., Baumgärtner,W., Klingel,K., Ondruschka,B., ... , Renieri,A., Gabriel,G. (2023)
CYP19A1 mediates severe SARS-CoV-2 disease outcome in males
Cell Rep.Med.
Häring,J., Michel,T., Becker,M., Junker,D., Tchitchagua,T., Leschnik,O., Lange,B., Castell,S., Krause,G., Strengert,M., ... , Dulovic,A., Schneiderhan-Marra,N. (2023)
Simultaneous Detection of Different Antibody Classes in a Multiplexed Serological Test
J.Visualized Exp. 197 (July 2023)