Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Zeitouny,C., Korte,M., Michaelsen-Preusse,K. (2023)
Prolonged and specific spatial training during adolescence reverses adult hippocampal network impairments in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome
Neurobiol.Dis. 185
Berwanger,A., Stein,S.C., Kany,A.M., Gartner,M., Loretz,B., Lehr,C.M., Hirsch,A.K.H., ... , Schulz,T.F., Empting,M. (2023)
Disrupting Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus (KSHV) Latent Replication with a Small Molecule Inhibitor
J.Med.Chem. 66 (15)
Goldmann,O., Medina,E. (2023)
Myeloid-derived suppressor cells impair CD4+ T cell responses during chronic Staphylococcus aureus infection via lactate metabolism
Cell.Mol.Life Sci. 80 (8)
Kern,F., Kuhn,T., Ludwig,N., Simon,M., Gröger,L., Fabis,N., Aparicio-Puerta,E., Salhab,A., Fehlmann,T., Hahn,O., Engel,A., Wagner,V., Koch,M., Winek,K., Soreq,H., Nazarenko,I., Fuhrmann,G., Wyss-Coray,T., Meese,E., Keller,V., ... , Laschke,M.W., Keller,A. (2023)
Ageing-associated small RNA cargo of extracellular vesicles
RNA Biol. 20 (1)
Sharafutdinov,I., Tegtmeyer,N., Linz,B., Rohde,M., Vieth,M., Tay,A.C.-Y., Lamichhane,B., Tuan,V.P., Fauzia,K.A., Sticht,H., Yamaoka,Y., ... , Marshall,B.J., Backert,S. (2023)
A single-nucleotide polymorphism in Helicobacter pylori promotes gastric cancer development
Cell Host and Microbe 31 (8)
Stein,J.A., Kaes,M., Smola,S., Schulz-Schaeffer,W.J. (2023)
Neuropathology in COVID-19 autopsies is defined by microglial activation and lesions of the white matter with emphasis in cerebellar and brain stem areas
Front.Neurol. 14
Matio Kemkuignou,B., Lambert,C., Stadler,M., Kouam Fogue,S., Marin-Felix,Y. (2023)
Unprecedented Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Polyketides from Cultures of Diaporthe africana sp. nov
J.Fungi 9 (7)
Esser,S.P., Rahlff,J., Zhao,W., Predl,M., Plewka,J., Sures,K., Wimmer,F., Lee,J., Adam,P.S., McGonigle,J., Turzynski,V., Banas,I., Schwank,K., Krupovic,M., Bornemann,T.L.V., Figueroa-Gonzalez,P.A., Jarett,J., Rattei,T., Amano,Y., Blaby,I.K., Cheng,J.F., Brazelton,W.J., Beisel,C.L., Woyke,T., ... , Zhang,Y., Probst,A.J. (2023)
A predicted CRISPR-mediated symbiosis between uncultivated archaea
Kutle,I., Dittrich,A., Wirth,D. (2023)
Mouse Models for Human Herpesviruses
Pathogens 12 (7)
Llanos-Lopez,N.A., Ebada,S.S., Vasco-Palacios,A.M., Sanchez-Giraldo,L.M., Lopez,L., Rojas,L.F., Mandi,A., ... , Kurtan,T., Marin-Felix,Y. (2023)
Panapophenanthrin, a Rare Oligocyclic Diterpene from Panus strigellus
Metabolites 13 (7)