Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Dominguez,J., Boeree,M.J., Cambau,E., Chesov,D., Conradie,F., Cox,V., Dheda,K., Dudnyk,A., Farhat,M.R., Gagneux,S., Grobusch,M.P., Gröschel,M.I., Guglielmetti,L., Kontsevaya,I., Lange,B., van Leth,F., Lienhardt,C., Mandalakas,A.M., Maurer,F.P., Merker,M., Miotto,P., Molina-Moya,B., Morel,F., Niemann,S., Veziris,N., Whitelaw,A., Horsburgh,C.R.,Jr., Lange,C., Dominguez,J., Boeree,M.J., Farhat,M.R., Grobusch,M.P., Gröschel,M.I., Mandalakas,A.M., Maurer,F., ... , Horsburgh,C.R., TBnet and RESIST-TB networks (2023)
Clinical implications of molecular drug resistance testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a 2023 TBnet/RESIST-TB consensus statement
Lancet Infect.Dis. 23 (4)
Sossen,B., Richards,A.S., Heinsohn,T., Frascella,B., Balzarini,F., Oradini-Alacreu,A., Odone,A., Rogozinska,E., Häcker,B., Cobelens,F., Kranzer,K., ... , Houben,R.M.G.J., Esmail,H. (2023)
The natural history of untreated pulmonary tuberculosis in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Lancet Respir.Med. 11 (4)
Maingot,M., Bourotte,M., Vetter,A.C., Schellhorn,B., Antraygues,K., Scherer,H., Gitzinger,M., Kemmer,C., Dale,G.E., Defert,O., Lociuro,S., Brönstrup,M., ... , Willand,N., Trebosc,V. (2023)
Structure-activity relationships of actively FhuE transported rifabutin derivatives with potent activity against Acinetobacter baumannii
Eur.J.Med.Chem. 252
Bühler,M., Li,D., Li,L., Runft,S., Waltl,I., Pavlou,A., Kalinke,U., Ciurkiewicz,M., Huehn,J., Floess,S., Beineke,A., ... , Baumgärtner,W., Gerhauser,I. (2023)
IFNAR signaling of neuroectodermal cells is essential for the survival of C57BL/6 mice infected with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus
J.Neuroinflamm. 20 (1)
Dos Anjos Borges,L.G., Pastuschek,J., Heimann,Y., Dawczynski,K., Bergner,M., Haase,R., Stubert,J., Olbertz,D., Plumeier,I., Kahl,S., Heroven,A.K., Schleußner,E., Pieper,D.H., ... , Zöllkau,J., PEONS study group (2023)
Vaginal and neonatal microbiota in pregnant women with preterm premature rupture of membranes and consecutive early onset neonatal sepsis
BMC Med. 21 (1)
García-Valiente,R., Merino Tejero,E., Stratigopoulou,M., Balashova,D., Jongejan,A., Lashgari,D., Pélissier,A., Caniels,T.G., Claireaux,M.A.F., Musters,A., van Gils,M.J., Rodríguez Martínez,M., de Vries,N., Meyer-Hermann,M., Guikema,J.E.J., ... , Hoefsloot,H., Van Kampen,A.H.C. (2023)
Understanding repertoire sequencing data through a multiscale computational model of the germinal center
npj Syst.Bio.Appl. 9 (1)
Joeres,R., Bojar,D., Kalinina,O.V. (2023)
GlyLES: Grammar-based Parsing of Glycans from IUPAC-condensed to SMILES
J.Cheminformatics 15 (1)
Khailaie,S., Robert,P.A., Meyer-Hermann,M. (2021)
An Agent-Based Model of T Helper Cell Fate Decisions in the Thymus
Gorbalenya,A.E., Lauber,C. (2021)
Phylogeny of Viruses
Fricke,J., Schalk,F., Kreuzenbeck,N.B., Seibel,E., Hoffmann,J., Dittmann,G., Conlon,B.H., Guo,H., Wilhelm de Beer,Z., Vassao,D.G., Gleixner,G., ... , Poulsen,M., Beemelmanns,C. (2023)
Adaptations of Pseudoxylaria towards a comb-associated lifestyle in fungus-farming termite colonies