Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Niewolik,J., Mikuteit,M., Klawitter,S., Schröder,D., Stölting,A., Vahldiek,K., Heinemann,S., Müller,F., Behrens,G.M.N., Klawonn,F., ... , Dopfer-Jablonka,A., Steffens,S. (2024)
Cluster analysis of long COVID symptoms for deciphering a syndrome and its long-term consequence
Immunologic Research
Oltmanns,C., Bremer,B., Kusche,L., Stal,P., Zenlander,R., Tauwaldt,J., Ryden,I., Pahlsson,P., ... , Cornberg,M., Wedemeyer,H. (2024)
Elevation of S2-bound a[alpha]1-acid glycoprotein is associated with chronic hepatitis C virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma
Journal of Viral Hepatitis
Schulze,K., Weber,U., Schuy,C., Durante,M., Guzman,C.A. (2024)
Influenza Virus Inactivated by Heavy Ion Beam Irradiation Stimulates Antigen-Specific Immune Responses
Pharmaceutics 16 (4)
Seibold,P.S., Dörner,S., Fricke,J., Schäfer,T., Beemelmanns,C., Hoffmeister,D. (2024)
Genetic regulation of l-tryptophan metabolism in Psilocybe mexicana supports psilocybin biosynthesis
Fungal Biology and Biotechnology 11 (1)
Sharafutdinov,I., Harrer,A., Müsken,M., Rottner,K., Sticht,H., Täger,C., Naumann,M., ... , Tegtmeyer,N., Backert,S. (2024)
Cortactin-dependent control of Par1b-regulated epithelial cell polarity in Helicobacter infection
Cell Insight 3 (3)
Siebert,A., Kazmaier,U. (2024)
Chemical Ligation-Mediated Total Synthesis of Corramycin
Organic Letters 26 (15)
Surup,F. (2024)
Die Auferstehung von Paleomycin, Urvater der Glykopeptid-Antibiotika
Biospektrum 30 (2)
Truthe,S., Klassert,T.E., Schmelz,S., Jonigk,D., Blankenfeldt,W., Slevogt,H. (2024)
Role of Lectin-Like Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-1 in Inflammation and Pathogen-Associated Interactions
Journal of Innate Immunity 16 (1)
Tsvilovskyy,V., Ottenheijm,R., Kriebs,U., Sch++tz,A., Diakopoulos,K.N., Jha,A., Bildl,W., Wirth,A., B+Âck,J., Ja+ølan,D., Ferro,I., Taberner,F.J., Kalinina,O., Hildebrand,S., Wissenbach,U., Weissgerber,P., Vogt,D., Eberhagen,C., Mannebach,S., Berlin,M., Kuryshev,V., Schumacher,D., Philippaert,K., Camacho-Londo+¦o,J.E., Mathar,I., Dieterich,C., Klugbauer,N., Biel,M., Wahl-Schott,C., Lipp,P., Flockerzi,V., Zischka,H., Alg++l,H., Lechner,S.G., Lesina,M., Grimm,C., Fakler,B., Schulte,U., ... , Muallem,S., Freichel,M. (2024)
OCaR1 endows exocytic vesicles with autoregulatory competence by preventing uncontrolled Ca2+ release, exocytosis, and pancreatic tissue damage
Journal of Clinical Investigation 134 (7)
Weber,A., van Hees,V.T., Stein,M.J., Gastell,S., Steindorf,K., Herbolsheimer,F., Ostrzinski,S., Pischon,T., Brandes,M., Krist,L., Marschollek,M., Greiser,K.H., Nimptsch,K., Brandes,B., Jochem,C., Sedlmeier,A.M., Berger,K., Brenner,H., Buck,C., Castell,S., Dörr,M., Emmel,C., Fischer,B., Flexeder,C., Harth,V., Hebestreit,A., Heise,J.K., Holleczek,B., Keil,T., Koch-Gallenkamp,L., Lieb,W., Meinke-Franze,C., Michels,K.B., Mikolajczyk,R., Kluttig,A., Obi,N., Peters,A., Schmidt,B., Schipf,S., Schulze,M.B., Teismann,H., Waniek,S., Willich,S.N., ... , Leitzmann,M.F., Baurecht,H. (2024)
Large-scale assessment of physical activity in a population using high-resolution hip-worn accelerometry: the German National Cohort (NAKO)
Scientific Reports 14 (1)