Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Klawitter,S., Hoffmann,G., Holdenrieder,S., Kacprowski,T., Klawonn,F. (2022)
A zlog-based algorithm and tool for plausibility checks of reference intervals
Ngoh Misse Mouelle,E., Foundikou Nsangou,M., Michiren Mandou,V.S., Wansi,J.D., Akone,S.H., Ngeufa Happi,E. (2022)
Chemical constituents from Ficus sur Forssk (Moraceae)
Z.Naturforsch.Sect.C J.Biosci.
Miller,M., Rossetti,T., Ferreira,J., Ghanem,L., Balbach,M., Kaur,N., Levin,L.R., Buck,J., Kehr,M., Coquille,S., van den Heuvel,J., Steegborn,C., Fushimi,M., Finkin-Groner,E., Myers,R.W., Kargman,S., Liverton,N.J., ... , Huggins,D.J., Meinke,P.T. (2022)
Design, Synthesis, and Pharmacological Evaluation of Second-Generation Soluble Adenylyl Cyclase (sAC, ADCY10) Inhibitors with Slow Dissociation Rates
Zeng,H., Birkelbach,J., Hoffmann,J., Popoff,A., Volz,C., Müller,R. (2022)
Expanding the Ajudazol Cytotoxin Scaffold: Insights from Genome Mining, Biosynthetic Investigations, and Novel Derivatives
Forcisi,S., Moritz,F., Thompson,C.J., Kanawati,B., Uhl,J., Afonso,C., Bader,C.D., Barsch,A., Boughton,B.A., Chu,R.K., Ferey,J., Fernandez-Lima,F., Guéguen,C., Heintz,D., Gomez-Hernandez,M., Jang,K.S., Kessler,N., Mangal,V., Müller,R., Nakabayashi,R., Nicol,E., Nicolardi,S., Palmblad,M., Pasa-Tolic,L., Porter,J., Schmitz-Afonso,I., Seo,J.B., Sommella,E., Van Der Burgt,Y.E.M., Villette,C., Witt,M., Wittrig,A., Wolff,J.J., Easterling,M.L., ... , Laukien,F.H., Schmitt-Kopplin,P. (2022)
Large-Scale Interlaboratory DI-FT-ICR MS Comparability Study Employing Various Systems
J.Am.Soc.Mass Spectrom.
Wang,T., Wang,X., Zhao,H., Huo,L., Fu,C. (2022)
Uncovering a Subtype of Microviridins via the Biosynthesis Study of FR901451
ACS Chem.Biol.
Prabhakar,P., Pielot,R., Landgraf,P., Wissing,J., Bayrhammer,A., Van Ham,M., Gundelfinger,E.D., Jänsch,L., ... , Dieterich,D.C., Müller,A. (2022)
Monitoring regional astrocyte diversity by cell type-specific proteomic labeling in vivo
Raschig,M., Ramírez-Zavala,B., Wiest,J., Saedtler,M., Gutmann,M., Holzgrabe,U., ... , Morschhäuser,J., Meinel,L. (2023)
Azobenzene derivatives with activity against drug-resistant Candida albicans and Candida auris
Tseduliak,V.M., Dolia,B., Ostash,I., Lopatniuk,M., Busche,T., Ochi,K., Kalinowski,J., Luzhetskyy,A., ... , Fedorenko,V., Ostash,B. (2023)
Mutations within gene XNR_2147 for TetR-like protein enhance lincomycin resistance and endogenous specialized metabolism of Streptomyces albus J1074
Kircher,B., Woltemate,S., Gutzki,F., Schlüter,D., Geffers,R., ... , Bähre,H., Vital,M. (2022)
Predicting butyrate- and propionate-forming bacteria of gut microbiota from sequencing data
Gut Microbes 14 (1)