Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Medina,E., Anders,D., Chhatwal,G.S. (2002)
Induction of NF-6B nuclear translocation in human respiratory epithelial cells by group A streptococci
Microbial Pathogenesis 33 (6)
Medina,E., Chhatwal,G.S. (2002)
The potential for vaccine development against rheumatic fever
Indian Heart Journal 54 (1)
Maskey,R.P., Asolkar,R.N., Kapaun,E., Wagner-Döbler,I., Laatsch,H. (2002)
Phytotoxic arylethylamides from limnic bacteria using a screening with microalgae
Journal of Antibiotics 55
Maskey,R.P., Kock,I., Shaaban,M., Grün-Wollny,I., Helmke,E., Mayer,F., ... , Wagner-Döbler,I., Laatsch,H. (2002)
Low molecular weight oligo-hydroxybutyric acids and a monomeric amide thereof - new products from microorganisms.
Polymer Bulletin 49
Manaia,C., Moore,E.R.B. (2002)
Pseudomonas thermotolerans sp. nov., a thermotolerant species of pseudomonas
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52
Mahmud,T., Bode,H.B., Silakowski,B., Kroppenstedt,R.M., Xu,M., Nordhoff,S., ... , Höfle,G., MüllerR. (2002)
A novel biosynthetic pathway providing precursors for fatty acid biosynthesis and secondary metabolite formation in Myxobacteria
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277
Ma,Z.Y., Yuan,Y.J., Wu,J.C., Zeng,A.P. (2002)
Apoptotic cell death in suspension cultures of taxus Chinensis var. mairei
Biotechnology Letters 24 (7)
Lünsdorf,H., Wenderoth,D.F., Abraham,W.-R. (2002)
Microbial consortia in composite biofilms from acidic mining lakes
Water, Air and Soil Pollution (Focus) 2
Lührmann,A., Deiters,U., Skokowa,J., Hanke,M., Gessner,J.E., Mühlradt,P.F., ... , Pabst,R., Tschernig,T. (2002)
In vivo effects of a synthetic 2-kilodalton macrophage-activating lipopeptide of Mycoplasma fermentans after pulmonary application
Infection and Immunity 70 (7)
Lindroth,K., Troye-Blomberg,M., Singh,M., Dieli,F., Ivanyi,J., Fernandez,C. (2002)
The humoral response in TCR alpha-/- mice. Can gammadelta-T cells support the humoral immune response?
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 55 (3)