Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Hoffmann,F., Weber,J., Rinas,U. (2002)
Metabolic adaptation of Escherichia coli
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 80
Hoffmann,A., Czichos,S., Kaps,C., Bachner,D., Mayer,H., Kurkalli,B.G., Zilberman,Y., Turgeman,G., Pelled,G., ... , Gross,G., Gazit,D. (2002)
The T-Box transcription factor brachyury mediates cartilage development in mesenchymal stem cell line C3h10t1/2
Journal of Cell Science 115 (4)
Hirschmann,F., Verhoeyen,E., Wirth,D., Bauwens,S., Hauser,H., Rudert,M. (2002)
Vital marking of articular chondrocytes by retroviral infection using green fluorescence protein
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 10 (2)
Hillmann,G., Steinkamp-Zucht,A., Geurtsen,W., Gross,G., Hoffmann,A. (2002)
Culture of primary human gingival fibroblasts on biodegradable membranes
Biomaterials 23 (6)
Hetzer-Egger,C., Schorpp,M., Haas-Assenbaum,A., Balling,R., Peters,H., Boehm,T. (2002)
Thymopoiesis requires Pax9 function in thymic epithelial cells
European Journal of Immunology 32 (4)
Henze,B., Bilitewski,U., van den Heuvel,J. (2002)
Biosensorsysteme zur Genexpressionsanalytik
Henze,B., Bebber,C., van den Heuvel,J., Bilitewski,U. (2002)
Detection of mRNA using the BIAcore
Heinz,D.W., Jahn,D. (2002)
Strukturbiologie zur gerichteten Wirkstoffentwicklung
CHEManager 11
Heinz,D.W. (2002)
Modellsystem für Infektionen - Pathogene Bakterien auf ihrem unheilvollen Weg verfolgt
Jahreshefte der Helmholtz-Gesellschaft
Heim,S., Del Mar Lleo,M., Bonato,B., Guzmán,C.A., Canepari,P. (2002)
The viable but nonculturable state and starvation are different stress responses of Enterococcus faecalis
Journal of Bacteriology 184