Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Castro,H., Budde,H., Flohé,L., Hofmann,B., Lünsdorf,H., ... , Wissing,J., Tomás,A.M. (2002)
Specificity and kinetics of a mitochondrial peroxiredoxin of Leishmania infantum
Free Radical Biology & Medicine 33
Castro,H., Sousa,C., Budde,H., Lünsdorf,H., da Silva,A.C., ... , Flohé,L., Tomás,A.M. (2002)
Complementary antioxidant defence by cytoplasmic and mitochondrial peroxiredoxins in Leishmania infantum.
Free Radical Biology & Medicine 33
Castilho,Leda R.*, Medronho,Ricardo A. (2002)
Cell retention devices for suspended-cell perfusion cultures
Castilho,L.R., Anspach,F.B., Deckwer,W.-D. (2002)
Comparison of affinity membranes for the purification of immunoglobulins
Journal of Membrane Science 207
Carvalhal,A.V., Coroadinha,A.S., Alves,P.M., Moreira,J.L., Hauser,H., Carrondo,M.J.T. (2002)
Metabolic changes during cell growth inhibition by the Irf-1 system
Enzyme and Microbial Technology 30 (1)
Calmano,W., Bilitewski,U., Flemming,H.C., Hofmann,T., Peiffer,S., ... , Ternes,T., Wilken,R.D. (2002)
The German Water Chemical Society: Actual trends and fields of research in the principle committee "Basic Research"
Acta Hydrochimica Et Hydrobiologica 29 (6-7)
Busse,H.-J., Kämpfer,P., Denner,E.B.M., Moore,E.R.B., Salkinojy-Salonen,M.S. (2002)
Thermomonas heamolytica gen. nov., sp. nov.,: a g-proteobacterium from kaolin slurry
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52
Budde,H., Flohé,L. (2002)
Enzymes of the thiol-dependent hydroperoxide metabolism in pathogens as potential drug targets
Brigelius-Flohé,R., Flohé,L. (2002)
Is there a role of glutathione peroxidases in signaling and differentiation
Breuer,K., Häußler,S., Kapp,A., Werfel,T. (2002)
Staphylococcus aureus : colonizing features and influence of an antibacterial treatment in adults with atopic dermatitis
British Journal of Dermatology 147