Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Bi,J.X., Wirth,M., Beer,C., Kim,E.J., Gu,M.B., Zeng,A.P. (2002)
Dynamic characterization of recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cells containing an inducible c-fos promoter GFP expression system as a biomarker
Journal of Biotechnology 93 (3)
Benesch,S., Lommel,S., Steffen,A., Stradal,T.E., Scaplehorn,N., Way,M., ... , Wehland,J., Rottner,K. (2002)
Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-Biphosphate (PIP2)-induced Vesicle Movement Depends on N-WASP and Involves Nck, WIP, and Grb2*210
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (40)
Bene,L., Fust,G., Huszti,Z., Hernadi,Z., Fekete,B., Meszaros,M., Veres,A., Kovacs,A., Miklos,K., Singh,M., ... , Romics,L., Prohaszka,Z. (2002)
Impaired humoral immune response against mycobacterial 65-kDa heat shock protein (HSP65) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Digestive Diseases Sciences 47 (7)
Beissert,S. (2002)
Use of mutant mice in photoimmunological and photocarcinogetic investigations
Methods 28
Bächner,D., Schröder,D., Gross,G. (2002)
mRNA expression of the murine glycoprotein (transmembrane) nmb (Gpnmb) gene is linked to the developing retinal pigment epithelium and iris
Gene Expression Patterns 1
Baumann,S., Krueger,A., Kirchhoff,S., Krammer,P.H. (2002)
Regulation of T cell apoptosis during an immune response
Current Molecular Medicine 2
Basso,H., Rharbaoui,F., Ständer,L.H., Medina,E., Garcia-Del Portillo,F., Guzmán,C.A. (2002)
Characterization of a novel intracellular activated gene from Salmonella enterica
Infection and Immunity 70
Babaahmady,K., Bergmeier,L.A., Whittall,T., Singh,M., Wang,Y., Lehner,T. (2002)
A comparative investigation of CC chemokines and SIV suppressor factors generated by CD8+ and CD4+ T cells and CD14+monocytes
Journal of Immunological Methods 264 (1-2)
Asolkar,R.N., Kamat,V.P., Wagner-Döbler,I., Laatsch,H. (2002)
Limnazine, the first bacterial azine derivative from Bacillus sp.
Journal of Natural Products 65
Arakawa,K., Müller,R., Mahmud,T., Yu,T.-W., Floss,H.G. (2002)
Characterization of the early stage aminoshikimate pathway in the formation of 3-amino-hydroxybenzoic acid (ahba): the rifn protein specifically converts kanosamine into kanosamine 6-phosphate
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124