Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Vuilleumier,S., Ucurum,Z., Oelhafen,S., Leisinger,T., Armengaud,J., ... , Wittich,R.M., Timmis,K.N. (2001)
The glutathione S-transferase OrfE3 of the dioxin-degrading bacterium Sphingomonas sp RW1 displays maleylpyruvate isomerase activity
Chemico-biological interactions 133 (1-3)
Von Wintzingerode,F., Gobel,U.B., Siddiqui,R.A., Rosick,U., Schumann,P., Fruhling,A., Rohde,M., ... , Pukall,R., Stackebrandt,E. (2001)
Salana multivorans gen. nov., sp nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from an anaerobic bioreactor and capable of selenate reduction
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 51
von Canstein,H.F., Li,Y., Wagner-Döbler,I. (2001)
Long-term stability of mercury-reducing microbial biofilm communities analyzed by 16s-23s rDNA interspacer region polymorphism
Microbial Ecology 42 (4)
Von Canstein,H., Li,Y., Wagner-Döbler,I. (2001)
Long-term performance of bioreactors cleaning mercury- contaminated wastewater and their response to temperature and mercury stress and mechanical perturbation
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 74 (3)
Voigt,J., Liebich,I., Kiess,M., Frank,R. (2001)
Subcellular distribution of 14-3-3 proteins in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
European Journal of Biochemistry 268 (24)
Verhoeyen,E., Hauser,H., Wirth,D. (2001)
Evaluation of retroviral vector design in defined chromosomal loci by Flp-mediated cassette replacement
Human gene therapy 12 (8)
Vee,S., Lafanechere,L., Fisher,D., Wehland,J., Job,D., Picard,A. (2001)
Evidence for a role of the (alpha)-tubulin C terminus in the regulation of cyclin B synthesis in developing oocytes
Journal of Cell Science 114 (5)
Vazquez-Boland,J.A., Kuhn,M., Berche,P., Chakraborty,T., Dominguez-Bernal,G., Goebel,W., Gonzalez-Zorn,B., ... , Wehland,J., Kreft,J. (2001)
Listeria pathogenesis and molecular virulence determinants
Clinical microbiology reviews 14 (3)
Vasquez,M., Gruttner,C., Gallacher,S., Moore,E.R.B. (2001)
Detection and characterisation of toxigenic bacteria associated with Aulacomya ater and Alexandrium catenella contaminated with PSP.
Journal of shellfish research 20
Uphoff,H.U., Felske,A., Fehr,W., Wagner-Döbler,I. (2001)
The microbial diversity in picoplankton enrichment cultures: a molecular screening of marine isolates
Fems Microbiology Ecology 35 (3)