Publication Database

The publication database contains all articles from HZI staff (formerly GBF) starting with year 2000.


Silakowski,B., Kunze,B., Müller,R. (2001)
Multiple hybrid polyketide synthase/non-ribosomal peptide synthetase gene clusters in the myxobacterium Stigmatella aurantiaca
Gene 275 (2)
Silakowski,B., Nordsiek,G., Kunze,B., Blöcker,H., MüllerR. (2001)
Novel features in a combined polyketide synthase/non-ribosomal peptide synthetase: the myxalamid biosynthetic gene cluster of the myxobacterium Stigmatella aurantiaca Sga15
Chemistry and Biology 8 (1)
Seeger,M., Camara,B., Hofer,B. (2001)
Dehalogenation, denitration, dehydroxylation, and angular attack on substituted biphenyls and related compounds by a biphenyl dioxygenase
Journal of Bacteriology 183 (12)
Schwarz,G., Schrader,N., Mendel,R.R., Hecht,H.J., Schindelin,H. (2001)
Crystal structures of human gephyrin and plant Cnx1 G domains: comparative analysis and functional implications
Journal of Molecular Biology 312 (2)
Schumacher,J.T., Hecht,H.J., Dengler,U., Reichelt,J., Bilitewski,U. (2001)
Direct electron transfer observed for peroxidase to screen-printed graphite electrodes.
Electroanalysis 13
Schulze,K., Medina,E., Talay,S.R., Towers,R.J., Chhatwal,G.S., Guzmán,C.A. (2001)
Characterization of the domain of fibronectin-binding protein I of Streptococcus pyogenes
Infection and Immunity 69 (1)
Schultz,A., Diele,S., Laschat,S., Nimtz,M. (2001)
Novel columnar tetraphenylethenes via Mcmurry coupling
Advanced Functional Materials 11 (6)
Schubert,W.D., Göbel,G., Kloer,D., Chakraborty,T., Wehland,J., ... , Domann,E., Heinz,D.W. (2001)
Crystal structure of the conserved core of internalins from the human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes.
Nova Acta Leopoldina Supplementum 16
Schubert,W.D., Göbel,G., Diepholz,M., Darji,A., Kloer,D., Hain,T., Chakraborty,T., Wehland,J., ... , Domann,E., Heinz,D.W. (2001)
Internalins from the human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes combine three distinct folds into a contiguous internalin domain
Journal of Molecular Biology 312 (4)
Schroeder,K., Koschmieder,S., Ottmann,O.G., Hoelzer,D., Hauser,H., Mueller,P.P. (2001)
Establishment of a genetic system to coordinate feeder cell growth in cocultures with primary cells