
Displaying results 751 to 760 of 773.


HZI spin-offs at a glance

HZI spin-offs at a glance Scientists at the HZI regularly and successfully transfer their results and technologies into start-ups and spin-offs. Here we present some of the companies. Leopard Biosciences GmbH SORMAS Foundation gGmbH InSCREENeX GmbH MyxoTech…


Why the flu vaccine is less effective in older people

Every year at the beginning of October, the flu epidemic rolls around. “Because older people in particular have an increased risk of a severe course of the disease, effective vaccines are especially important for them,” says Prof. Yang Li, Scientific Director of the…


New drugs from toxic birds

The New Guinea-based regent whistler, or Pachycephala schlegelii in Latin, is a strange bird. It carries batrachotoxin in its black and yellow plumage: a potent neurotoxin, also used by poison dart frogs to effectively protect themselves from predators. This toxin is…


Enter the world of infection research - Open Day at the HZI

During guided tours, HZI researchers explain, for example, how new active substances against infections can be developed from natural products or how they use epidemiological studies to understand the spread of diseases and contribute to the health of the population. In…


Sounds and Science - Music and Infections

Sounds and Science - Vienna meets Braunschweig The event is based on the successful “Sounds and Science” concert series, which was launched in 2014 with the participation of the Medical University of Vienna in Austria. “With the ‘Sounds and Science - Music and…


Microbiome research: Small RNA plays a crucial role in colonization

The intestinal microbiome is a highly complex ecosystem with thousands of different types of bacteria. Live and let live, that is the motto. Harmonious coexistence is based on the fact that intestinal bacteria occupy different niches and communicate with each other.…


Dr. Martin Jahn

Dr Martin Jahn Research Group Leader E-Mail Martin Jahn is a microbiologist, ecologist, and bioinformatician dedicated to understanding the intricate mechanisms of how microbes interact with our bodies and affect our health. He studied natural sciences with…


Perspectives for the Medicine of the Future

What are the molecular causes of diseases? How can AI and data science help us understand them at the cellular level? And how can future pandemics be prevented or mitigated? These are the questions scientists in the Helmholtz Health research field are tackling. At the…



Multimedia Find out more about the HZI, our scientists and research at the Centre with our diverse multimedia offerings. Podcast InFact - The HZI Podcast. Science that is contagious. © HZI HZI Podcast InFact How do bacteria and viruses cause diseases? How…