
Displaying results 221 to 230 of 233.


HZI spin-offs at a glance

HZI spin-offs at a glance Scientists at the HZI regularly and successfully transfer their results and technologies into start-ups and spin-offs. Here we present some of the companies. Leopard Biosciences GmbH SORMAS Foundation gGmbH InSCREENeX GmbH MyxoTech…

Research Group

Anti-infectives from Microbiota

The department of Prof Christine Beemelmanns focuses on the identification and functional analysis of novel anti-infective natural products from microbial communities. Co-cultivation studies as well as cell-based assays in combination with chemical-analytical and molecular-biological methods are used to evaluate and prioritize novel natural product producers. The department uses established and innovative metabolomic-, activity and genome-based methods to identify and determine the structure of the secreted natural products. Based on the isolated novel natural substances, the functional analysis and evaluation of their range of effects is carried out. This department is located at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) .


Dr. Martin Jahn

Dr Martin Jahn Research Group Leader E-Mail Martin Jahn is a microbiologist, ecologist, and bioinformatician dedicated to understanding the intricate mechanisms of how microbes interact with our bodies and affect our health. He studied natural sciences with…

Research Group

Bacterial Infection Ecology

Microbial communities colonise many parts of our bodies, critically impacting our health such as by protecting against pathogens. But how the diverse microbes arrange and organise themselves to generate health effects is largely unknown. To tackle this challenge, we are developing methods to map the structure of the microbiome and resolve how this structure affects health benefits. In addition, we study how microbiota influence and manipulate us, aiming for real translational and clinical potential including the development of probiotic anti-infectives and microbiota-inspired immunotherapeutics.



Multimedia Find out more about the HZI, our scientists and research at the Centre with our diverse multimedia offerings. Podcast InFact - The HZI Podcast. Science that is contagious. © HZI HZI Podcast InFact How do bacteria and viruses cause diseases? How…




Administration and Infrastructure

Administration and Infrastructure The administrative units and staff units of the administration and infrastructure support the scientific work at the HZI. Approximately 200 people are employed in the administration of the HZI across all locations (as of…



Imprint according to the following German regulations: § 6 TDG, § 10 MDStV Publisher Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH (Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research) Inhoffenstraße 7 38124 Braunschweig Telefon: 0531 6181-0 Telefax: 0531 6181-2655…



Management The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) is organised in the form of a GmbH (equals “Ltd.”). Shareholders are the Federal Republic of Germany (90 percent) and the federal states Lower-Saxony (eight percent), Saarland (one percent) and…



Understanding Infections - Fighting Pathogens The HZI: one interdisciplinary center - six sites About the HZI A research facility of the Helmholtz Association What are you looking for? Popular topics: Press Career Research groups HUMAN MICROSTAR Transfer…