
Displaying results 611 to 620 of 625.

Job adverts

Doctoral Researcher (f/m/d) Project title: Natural product driven analysis of bacterial symbionts

Prof. Christine Beemelmanns' department MICA is looking for a doctoral researcher.

Job adverts

Technical Assistant (BTA, CTA) (f/m/d)

The Viral Immunology Research Institute (VIRI), headed by Prof. Dr. Luka Cicin-Sain, is looking for a technical assistant.

Job adverts

HR Specialist (m/f/d) in part-time as parental leave replacement

The People & Culture department is looking for a part-time HR specialist to start as soon as possible.

Job adverts

Student assistant at the IT helpdesk (f/m/d)

The data centre is looking for a student assistant at the IT helpdesk for up to 50 hours per month.

Job adverts

Student Assistant (m/f/d) in finance

The Finance and Controlling department is looking for a student assistant.


Microbiome research: Small RNA plays a crucial role in colonization

The intestinal microbiome is a highly complex ecosystem with thousands of different types of bacteria. Live and let live, that is the motto. Harmonious coexistence is based on the fact that intestinal bacteria occupy different niches and communicate with each other.…


Perspectives for the Medicine of the Future

What are the molecular causes of diseases? How can AI and data science help us understand them at the cellular level? And how can future pandemics be prevented or mitigated? These are the questions scientists in the Helmholtz Health research field are tackling. At the…

Job adverts

Administrator in external funding project controlling / finance (m/f/d)

The Finance & Controlling department is looking for a specialist in external funding project controlling.

Job adverts

Part-time IT system and network administrator (m/f/d)

The Helmholtz Institute for One Health (HIOH) is looking for a part-time IT System and Network Administrator.

Job adverts

Masterstudent (m/f/d)

The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), Department of Respiratory Infection Dynamics (DINF), led by Prof. Dr. med. Hortense Slevogt, is seeking a master's student to join the team at the earliest opportunity.