
Displaying results 171 to 180 of 623.


The HZI mourns the death of Nobel Prize winner Manfred Eigen

Manfred Eigen received more honours than practically any other German scientist. Eigen was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1967 for his work on ultra-fast chemical reactions; he was the first scientist to measure the miniscule durations of such processes. In addition to the…


Biological diversity of habitats throughout the world is a treasure trove

For drug discovery to be successful, projects with an international scope play a particularly important role, since they make the large biological diversity of unusual habitats accessible. "We have recently obtained so many new and untapped microorganisms and fungi with…


Hunting pathogens at full force

Researchers of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) and the Technische Universität Braunschweig have now elucidated the molecular mechanisms that allow cells to move forward effectively, using powerful cell edge protrusions. By applying the CRISPR/Cas…


Deciphering the motility apparatus of bacteria

Even for bacteria it is not satisfactory to just drift through life: Because every day is full of situations, in which a bacterium needs to move actively in its environment – for example when it searches for food or a suitable host. Under these circumstances, the…


Vaccination against liver infections

Similar to some other viruses, the hepatitis C virus specifically infects the liver and can cause a life-threatening chronic infection. Discovered in 1989, the virus thus far has managed to evade attempts at developing an effective vaccination. One of the underlying…


Rare blood disease improves the defence against germs

The bone marrow harbours the haematopoietic stem cells that produce the various types of red and white blood cells and platelets. They are induced to do so by messenger substances that bind to them and trigger a reaction chain, in which many different components…


WHO handrub formulations are effective against emerging viruses

Disinfectants are indispensable to reduce the potential risk of infection among the volunteers, medical staffs and people who are living in crisis zones. Antiseptic handrubs are one of the most important measures to limit the pathogen transmission. Since years, the WHO…


How multi-resistant pathogens can be defeated

The steadily increasing resistance of many pathogens to antibiotics is one of the major challenges of modern medicine. Many of the common antibiotics have already lost their effect. Accordingly, there is an urgent need for alternatives to antibiotics for the treatment…


Bacterial profiles at the click of a button

Modern sequencing technologies allow deciphering the entire genetic material – the genome – of a bacterium requiring only a short amount of time. This produces a huge amount of data with thousands of genes. However, the analysis of the bacterial properties encoded by…


How gut bacteria can make us ill

Yersiniae cause severe intestinal infections. Studies using Yersinia pseudotuberculosis as a model organism aim to elucidate the infection mechanisms of these bacteria. Scientists of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig recently were the…
