
Displaying results 1171 to 1180 of 1436.

Research Group

Computational Biology for Individualised Medicine

Infections are among the biggest threats to health and the most significant causes of death worldwide. Our aim is to reveal the host genetic risk factors and their downstream molecular pathways, which are crucial to make progress in understanding and treating infectious diseases in an individualised manner as well as to improve the identification of patients at risk. The department is part of the developing CiiM and currently housed at the TWINCORE in Hannover.

Research Group

Antiviral and Antivirulence Drugs

Work in the Empting lab focuses on tackling innovative and difficult-to-address anti-infective targets such as bacterial virulence regulatory systems as well as un(der)explored anti-herpesviral persitance mediators. By this, we aspire to circumvent common resistance mechanisms and to refill the dried out development pipeline. This group is located at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS)

Research Group

Antiviral Antibody-Omics

Antibodies are key components of the adaptive immune system and are critical for defending against infectious diseases. In our research group, we strive to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms of antibody-mediated protection, with the ultimate objective of creating novel and more effective vaccine and treatment strategies for infectious diseases. The junior research group is based at TWINCORE in Hannover.

Research Group

Compound Profiling and Screening

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers the spread of microorganisms which are resistant to the most common antibiotics an increasing threat to the well-being of the world population. Not only is the number of patients increasing whose infectious disease can no longer be treated, but also in some circumstances patients with other severe diseases will not be treated if the therapy is accompanied with suppression of the immune system and thus, an increased risk of infection. Thus, new active agents for the treatment of infectious diseases are urgently needed, as well as the responsible use of existing antibiotics. Prerequisites for the discovery of new drugs are relevant biological screening assays together with compound libraries of broad chemical diversity. We perform primary screens, based either on own protocols or on protocols developed by cooperation partners and transferred to our infrastructure. In cooperation with partners we also perform secondary assays to optimize first primary hits.

Research Group

Dynamics of Respiratory Infections

Several chronic inflammatory diseases of the lung have been recently associated with alterations in the composition of the airway microbiome. Moreover, the lung microbiota can be classified according to its predominance either of proinflammatory bacteria, such as strains from the genera S taphylococcus, Pseudomonas , and Haemophilus or of low-stimulatory bacteria from genera like Prevotella, Streptococcus , and Veillonella . Moreover, it is already known that the commensal lung microbiota can influence host immune system activation by producing numerous structural ligands and metabolites such as lipopolysaccharide, peptidoglycan, and secondary metabolites. However, the interaction between the lung microbiota and the airway epithelium, as well as their interactions with pulmonary pathogens, are not well understood.

Research Group


Epidemiology conducts research on health and disease at the population level – infection epidemiology is concerned with contagious diseases. Their tools and methods are systematic queries, clinical examinations and laboratory diagnostic documentation for both healthy and afflicted individuals, as well as statistical analysis of the compiled data. Causes and risk factors for infections can thus be identified. Infectious diseases epidemiology contributes to the development of preventive measures, early detection and therapy for diseases. Moreover, it examines the efficacy of such measures. Thus epidemiology ties in with scientific findings in basic research as well as medicine, and examines these processes at the population level.

Research Group

Chemical Biology of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates and glycoconjugates belong to the three major classes of biopolymers. Complex carbohydrates play important roles in biological recognition processes that are represented by the presence of dense glycoconjugate layers on cells known as the glycocalyx. Despite their importance, the study of carbohydrates suffers from limited methods for their synthesis and analysis contrary to nucleic acids or proteins. This group is located at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS).

Research Group


High-Throughput-technologies generate large amounts of data. The drawback: these biological and medical data must be processed to results with statistical methods and models. Concepts from robust and computational statistics as well as visualisation techniques help to better understand, estimate and cope with the uncertainty and strong variation that are often inherent in biological and medical data. The project group „Biostatistics“ is part of the research group „Cellular Proteome Research” which is led by Lothar Jänsch.

Research Group

Biomarkers of Infectious Diseases

The Research Group Biomarkers of Infectious Diseases aims to identify more accurate diagnostic, prognostic and predictive host biomarkers for infectious diseases and the vaccine response. The clinical aims of the group are to help select the most effective, individualized treatment as early as possible, aiming to streamline the use of anti-infectives (improve anti-infective stewardship) and to improve clinical outcome. This group is located at the TWINCORE in Hannover.

Research Group

Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting

Our organism is made of many different cells that are specialized to perform specific tasks. As long as they work together in the collective, we will stay healthy – do they change or are they changed by pathogens, we become unbalanced and sick. The Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting platform provides the instrumentation and expert knowledge for the phenotypic identification and functional analysis of cells at the single cell level.