
Displaying results 1201 to 1210 of 1533.


About HIOH

© HIOH / UNA[H]RT DESIGN One Health concept. The Helmholtz Institute for One Health (HIOH) in Greifswald is a new institute of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI). The institute is closely interlinked with its local founding partners: the…



Systems biology connects life sciences to mathematics and computer science. Experiments in the laboratory produce data, which are then combined with data from literature to obtain and further develop computer models. The goal is the prediction of biological…


The "German National Cohort (GNC)"

“Together for a healthy Germany” – with this purpose in mind, the Helmholtz Association, university-based partners and renowned research facilities have joined forces to launch the largest Germany-wide health study – the NAKO Gesundheitsstudie. This study…


About HIRI

© Adobe Stock / Christoph Burgstedt Increasing antibiotic resistance, chronic infections and emerging pathogens pose major challenges for the public health system. While the central importance of RNA in regulatory and sensory cell processes has become…


About CiiM

The research at the CiiM aims to consequently promote personalisation of health care in infection medicine. In individualised medicine specific requirements of patients or patient groups are taken into account for an optimal risk-benefit assessment and…


About CSSB

The CSSB is an interdisciplinary centre where biologists, chemists, physicians, physicists and engineers explore the interactions of pathogens and their hosts. The centre is a collective initiative of ten northern German research partners: Bernhard Nocht…