Displaying results 511 to 520 of 1487.
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research receives project funding from the Bill und Melinda Gates Foundation
The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) has received a grant through the current round of the funding programme “Grand Challenges Explorations” of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The programme is supporting a global health project for development of…
Unexpected diversity of the nose
The human body is colonized by bacteria. They live on our skin, in our body’s orifices and throughout our gastrointestinal tract. There they can prevent dangerous germs (pathogens) from colonising and thus protect us against such infections, or they help in digestion.…
Small molecule with high impact
The adjuvants present in vaccines have a bad reputation. For most people, they are only unnecessary compounds within a medicinal product. This is a misunderstanding since adjuvants have a critical impact on the success of a vaccination. In the best case scenario, one…
Rejuvenating the old immune system
Thanks to the progress in health care and improved living conditions, we live longer. The price we pay: Our immune system loses functionality with advance age and the susceptibility to infections increases. The members of the research group "Infection immunology" at the…
The Exhausted Immune Defence
After an initial acute infection, Staphylococci can persist in our body for a long period of time leading to chronic disease. Scientists from the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung, HZI) in Braunschweig, Germany, have…
Intimate Binding to Intestinal Cells
Every year infections with "entero-hemorrhagic Escherichia coli " bacteria (EHEC) keep researchers in industrialised countries busy. During an infection the bacteria colonize the intestinal mucosa and produce a toxin that causes bloody diarrhoea, leading to severe…
Das HZI bekommt Nachwuchs
Marc Erhardt, Till Strowig und Alexander Titz haben sich in einem strengen Wettbewerbsverfahren durchgesetzt und werden nun mit jeweils 250.000 Euro über fünf Jahre gefördert. Sie werden am Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (HZI) forschen und sich an der Lehre…
Working together against Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and dementia
Two institutions of the Helmholtz Association are joining forces for health research: How does the brain protect itself from pathogens? Can infections favour Alzheimer's disease? Scientists from the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Bonn and the…
The mystery of the third signal
At least three protective mechanisms defend the lungs against erroneous attacks by the body's own immune system. This was discovered by the Immuneregulation research group headed by Professor Dunja Bruder at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in…
Experts on infection meet in Braunschweig
Pathogens and their molecular “weapons“, mechanisms of immune defence, new therapies and agents against bacteria and viruses: this year’s program of the „North Regio Day on Infection“, in short “NoRDI”, offers a multitude of topics dealing with infection research. The…