
Displaying results 81 to 85 of 85.

Job adverts

Employee / Research Officer - EU/national/international (f/m/d)

The department External Funding Acquisition is looking for a Research Officer to start as soon as possible.

Job adverts

Masterstudent (m/f/d)

The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), Department of Respiratory Infection Dynamics (DINF), led by Prof. Dr. med. Hortense Slevogt, is seeking a master's student to join the team at the earliest opportunity.

Job adverts

Student Assistant (m/f/d)

The Department Epidemiology is looking for a student assistant to support us as soon as possible.

Job adverts

Technical Assistance (f/m/d)

The junior research group CPIC, headed by Dr Milan Gerovac, is looking for a technical assistant.

Research Group

Virology and Innate Immunity

Pathogens (germs) infiltrate our bodies daily but do not remain undetected. They encounter the strong defenses of our immune system, which recognizes invaders and promptly takes appropriate measures. However, many pathogens can produce life-long infections even with an intact immune system. The herpesvirus family is one such group of pathogens. Upon infection, herpesviruses establish a chronic infection and become lifelong companions.