
Displaying results 1 to 10 of 625.

Job adverts

Master student (m/f/d)

The HZI, Dynamics of Respiratory Infections group (DINF), Group leader: Prof. Dr. med. Hortense Slevogt is looking for a motivated master student from 01.06.2024 with later starting dates possible.

Job adverts

Junior Research / Technology / Clinician-Scientist Group Leaders (m/f/d)

The HZI, is offering positions for Junior Research / Technology / Clinician-Scientist Group Leaders (m/f/d) in the field of infection research (with W1-professorship and tenure options).

Job adverts

Referent (f/m/d)

The HIRI is looking for a referee to support the Executive Director and the Administrative Management of the HIRI.

Job adverts

Doctoral Researcher: “RNA Phage defense mechanisms” (f/m/d)

The Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI) is offering a position as Doctoral Researcher: “RNA Phage defense mechanisms”.

Job adverts

Postdoctoral position: “Molecular Biology of RNA Phages” (f/m/d)

The HIRI offers a postdoctoral position: "Molecular biology of RNA phages" (f/m/d).


Jun Prof Dr Alexey Gurevich

Head of Research Group
Human-Microbe Systems Bioinformatics

Prof Dr Rolf Müller


Prof Dr Kathrin de la Rosa

Research Group Leader
Personalised Immunotherapy

Lisa Kaniewski

Team assistant
HZI Campus

Prof Dr Anna K. H. Hirsch

Head of Research Group
Drug Design and Optimization