
Displaying results 211 to 220 of 773.


Large repertoire of new gene editors

Based on the involved proteins, bacterial CRISPR-Cas systems can be divided into two classes. Class II CRISPR systems require only a single protein for targeted DNA editing. In class I, on the other hand, several proteins must interact in a complex called Cascade. Due…


From cancer medication to antibiotic

Antibiotic resistance occurs naturally in bacteria as a mechanism to defend themselves and survive in the course of evolution. However, due to the large-scale and often erroneous use of antibiotic drugs, antibiotic resistant pathogens are becoming more widespread.…


Working together in the fight against tuberculosis and malaria

Tuberculosis and malaria, along with AIDS, are the three major infectious diseases. Tuberculosis is one of the ten most common causes of death worldwide; in 2017 alone, ten million contracted the disease and 1.6 million died. Only increased efforts will make it possible…


Pharmaceutical Research Alliance Saarland launched

The signing of this agreement starts a pilot research alliance between the two major research organisations, the Helmholtz Association and the Leibniz Association, and Saarland University. The aim of the new alliance is to pool the interests of the partner organisations…


Auszeichnung für Wirkstoffforscher Rolf Müller

Die Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde an Müller erfolgte anlässlich der erfolgreichen und langjährigen Kooperation zwischen seiner Arbeitsgruppe und der Shandong Universität, zuletzt gefördert im Rahmen des Programmes „Helmholtz International Lab“. Dieses mehrjährige…


Helmholtz gets three more start-ups off the ground

“Scientists at Helmholtz research many questions that are important to the well of our society. But in order to take their results to market respectively in an application, some start-up assistance is helpful,” says Otmar D. Wiestler, President of the Helmholtz…


Ein Besuch im Krankenhaus

Es gibt zurzeit wohl nur wenige Themen, die die medizinische Welt so beschäftigen wie Krankenhausinfektionen, vor allem, weil viele dieser Infektionen mit Antibiotikaresistenzen zusammenhängen. Aber warum sind diese Infektionen so ein Problem? Meist sind…


Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen fragen Sie Ihre Türklinke

Wie bekämpfen Zimmerpflanzen Schimmelpilze und halten unsere Räume gesund? Wie schaffen es Katzen, ein Gen zu deaktivieren, das Asthmaerkrankungen befördert? Dank Mikroben. Die kleinsten Mitbewohner haben zwar oft einen schlechten Ruf, aber sie erledigen im Haushalt…


Jörg Vogel again honoured as “Highly Cited Researcher”

The basis for the annual evaluation of scientific citations is the database "Web of Science Core Collection", which lists scientific articles from around 21,100 scientific journals. For this year's evaluation, Clarivate Analytics considered the period from 2008 to 2018.…


New Helmholtz Institute at the Greifswald Science Location

The HZI welcomes the decision of the Bundestag to strengthen infection research and to incorporate the Greifswald site into the HZI. "This shows the great recognition of the HZI's scientific expertise in the research of infectious diseases and in the development of new…
