
Displaying results 661 to 670 of 675.

Research Group

Drug Design and Optimization

In order to combat the increasing number of resistant pathogens, the development of new anti-infective drugs is an important goal for pharmaceutical research. Efficient medications with novel modes-of-action to fight infectious diseases are urgently needed. Below, you may read more about the design, identification and optimisation of new drug candidates. This group is located at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) .

Research Group

Drug Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics is instrumental in all areas of molecular biology, from analysis of genome sequences towards predicting three-dimensional structure of drug-target complexes. We apply cutting-edge bioinformatics and computer science techniques for discovery of novel resistance mechanisms and predicting mode-of-action of bioactive compounds. This group is located at the Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS)

Research Group

Central Facility for Microscopy

Light microscopy and electron microscopy are excellent high resolution tools to investigate the adhesion and invasion mechanisms of pathogenic bacteria. High resolution electron microscopy permits to examine and unravel pathogenicity mechanisms on a morphological basis. ZEIM offers equipment and highly sophisticated expertise for the preparation and observation of biological samples.

Research Group

Cellular Proteome Research

Pathogenic bacteria and viruses utilize and manipulate cellular processes of our immune system. The identification of protein functions in the human immune system that decisively control the progression of infections constitutes the central aim of the research group Cellular Proteomics at the HZI.


More than the sum of the parts

Mutations in the genome of viruses or bacteria occur every time the genetic material is replicated and rarely have a positive effect. If they do, they give the pathogen new characteristics. One example of these are the so-called “escape mutations”, which enable a virus…


IBT Lower Saxony: Incubator for Biomedical Innovation awards 1.6 million euros

New startup ideas receive 1.6 million euros boost Three projects each from the Hannover Medical School (MHH), the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) and the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig presented their promising ideas with…



MyxoTech takes off

What is the concept of MyxoTech? Nature has historically been a valuable source of small molecule therapeutics. HIPS and HZI have a long tradition of using such molecules as basis for the development of innovative anti-infectives. However, our efforts have generated…

Research Group

Genome Architecture and Evolution of RNA Viruses

RNA viruses are a major threat to human health and responsible for millions of deaths each year. Their replication is orchestrated by the RNA genome, which encodes for viral proteins needed to hijack the host cell. Traditionally, infectious disease research has focused on blocking viral replication by inhibiting these proteins. However, we now appreciate that the genomes of RNA viruses are not just passive carriers of protein coding information, but active participants in the viral infection process through the action of non-coding RNA. We study the structure and function of viral non-coding RNA, with the goal of harnessing the resulting knowledge in the design of next generation RNA-based therapies. This group is located at the Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI) .