
Displaying results 711 to 720 of 758.


Herpes Viruses

Herpes Viruses - A Large Family © HZI/Heinrich Lünsdorf When we think of herpes, we usually think of small blisters on the lips caused by Herpes simplex virus type 1 first. But the family of herpes viruses is known to consist of more than 200 relatives of…


Individualized Infection Medicine

Individualized Infection Medicine For some years now, the buzzword "individualized medicine" (often also referred to as "personalized medicine" or "precision medicine") has been the subject of heated debate in research, clinical practice, industry and…



Viral hepatitis © Fotolia/Kateryna Kon Hepatitis C virus infection Liver inflammation is usually caused by an infection with hepatitis viruses. But it can also be caused or exacerbated by alcohol abuse, a certain fungal toxin or medication overdosing. The…



Coronaviruses © CDC/Fred Murphy, Sylvia Whitfield (Public Domain) Coronaviruses The coronaviruses are a family of viruses that includes a series of very different pathogens. These viruses usually infect mammals, rodents, and birds, but only few…



Ebola © Adobe Stock/jaddingt The outbreaks are sudden and severe. The Ebola fever then spreads rapidly throughout the Endemic disease area. The rate of fatality often is higher than 50%, sometimes up to 90%. Currently, there is no specific antidote and no…



Biofilms – living in slime Covered by a thick slimy coating made of biopolymers, the bacteria shield themselves from the immune system and antibiotics. In Germany alone, some 100,000 infections annually are related to biofilms – with clinically relevant…


Information for pupils

Information for Pupils Biotechnological School Lab Braunschweig (BioS) © HZI/Christine Bentz Pupils in the Biotechnological School Lab Braunschweig (BioS) The Biotechnological School Lab Braunschweig has been open to pupils in grades 11 to 13 since spring…



Imprint according to the following German regulations: § 6 TDG, § 10 MDStV Publisher Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung GmbH (Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research) Inhoffenstraße 7 38124 Braunschweig Telefon: 0531 6181-0 Telefax: 0531 6181-2655…


Prof Dr Yang Li

Research Group Leader
Computational Biology for Individualised Medicine