
Displaying results 71 to 80 of 1436.

Research Group

Evolutionary Community Ecology

Humans are increasingly part of these interaction networks and pathogen transmission from animals to humans is occurring at increasing rates. Indeed, emerging zoonotic disease are an increasing threat to human health and most of these diseases have their origins in wildlife. Microorganisms and their associated diseases also influence animal populations’ persistence and conservation, with some spilling over to animals from humans as well. The research group ‘evolutionary community ecology’ explores how the changing composition of animal communities has cascading impacts on their microbial communities, diseases, and rates of transmission, including to humans. The department is located at the Helmholtz Institute for One Health .

Research Group

RNA Synthetic Biology

RNA is a ubiquitous molecule of life that plays intimate roles in how cells function and make decisions. These same properties can be harnessed to create a new generation of engineering tools to further interrogate the properties of biology and control how cells behave. The RNA synthetic biology group aims to better understand the roles RNA plays in biology and to exploit these roles to improve how we study, diagnose, and treat infectious diseases in humans. This department is located at the Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI).

Research Group

Pathogen Evolution

Ecological interactions that underpin human life are highly dynamic, and changes in complex ecosystems can have far-reaching consequences on human health. Therefore, One Health also has a very strong evolutionary component. Over the last decades, evolutionary biology concepts have provided a major contribution towards unveiling the short- and long-term dynamics of pathogen emergence and spread. The importance of evolutionary approaches has become particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. Both the initial emergence event and the later spread and evolution of SARS-CoV-2 have been investigated using evolutionary genomics – with the rise of variants of concern (VOC) being pointed out in the first place by observational data and inferential statistics. The Department of Pathogen Evolution studies both current and historical samples and uses them to make targeted predictions about the potential spread of important pathogens, thus providing important contributions to public health. The department is located at the Helmholtz Institute for One Health .

Research Group

Genome Architecture and Evolution of RNA Viruses

RNA viruses are a major threat to human health and responsible for millions of deaths each year. Their replication is orchestrated by the RNA genome, which encodes for viral proteins needed to hijack the host cell. Traditionally, infectious disease research has focused on blocking viral replication by inhibiting these proteins. However, we now appreciate that the genomes of RNA viruses are not just passive carriers of protein coding information, but active participants in the viral infection process through the action of non-coding RNA. We study the structure and function of viral non-coding RNA, with the goal of harnessing the resulting knowledge in the design of next generation RNA-based therapies. This group is located at the Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI) .


Job adverts

Student Assistant (m/f/d) in the scientific management

The scientific management is looking for a student assistant to support them for up to 50 hours per month.

Job adverts

Referent (f/m/d)

The HIRI is looking for a referee to support the Executive Director and the Administrative Management of the HIRI.

Job adverts

Doctoral Researcher: “RNA Phage defense mechanisms” (f/m/d)

The Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI) is offering a position as Doctoral Researcher: “RNA Phage defense mechanisms”.

Job adverts

Postdoctoral position: “Molecular Biology of RNA Phages” (f/m/d)

The HIRI offers a postdoctoral position: "Molecular biology of RNA phages" (f/m/d).


Jun Prof Dr Alexey Gurevich

Head of Research Group
Human-Microbe Systems Bioinformatics